Mods being threatening again

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Re: Mods being threatening again


chrisc90 wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 12:22
And the case of disappearing posts is occurring again.

Team news that’s been posted about drivers vanishing and yet on other hand you get a lap by lap commentary from about 5-10 different people during a race and nothing happens.

One rule for one, one rule for another.
Indeed. My post about Yuki trying a new sport for his daily training encouraged by his new trainer John Noonan has been removed.
Yuki hated training and since he started working with this new trainer he loves training.
That message is considered nonsense and has been removed.
The message was considered Yuki's hobby instead of training #-o by one of the two moderators over here.
Mod Stu is gone since Oct 16. :cry:

Image ... Image

"We are getting a hell of a lot :roll: of gossip posts from you. Yuki´s hobbies, off-track off-theme team activities, Checo's dad,
now Lando's friends. This forum is not a pink a magazine nor a tabloid.
If they keep coming this fast and this many, warnings might follow."

On every F1 site the activities of the 4 Red Bull drivers with Honda and Ford in Las Vegas could be read and seen.
That is not allowed to be posted here, because then it is gossip!!
Also the images and video's of dad Perez about about the sexual orientation of Ralf Schumacher and Lando Norris who suddenly Max no longer considers as his friend could be seen and heard on every F1 site. The latter was also removed.
That is not allowed to be posted here, because then it is called gossip according to this mod!!
It seems to me that these matters all concern the RBR team and the drivers and since a team thread is not a technical thing
I find it surprising that it is not allowed to be posted and is considered gossip, because it is not gossip, it is facts with images as proof.
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Re: Mods being threatening again


Wouter wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 14:19

I find it surprising that it is not allowed to be posted and is considered gossip, because it is not gossip, it is facts with images as proof.
Whatever it is...but if you want to be a journalist open a site and post the news! I will be a reader, promise!

The team threads for whatever they are (maybe just a upfront filter for the from time to time necessary yin jang threads) are not really a good place.

PapayaFan481 wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 11:50
And when someone tries to use actual facts to make an argument, they get a warning
Yes, of course :roll:
You mean selective facts...
Don`t russel the hamster!

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Re: Mods being threatening again


Somehow it seems like they want the site to focus on technical topics. Weird...

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Re: Mods being threatening again


TimW wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 16:28
Somehow it seems like they want the site to focus on technical topics. Weird...
You can’t have a technical offtopic, team or race thread….
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Re: Mods being threatening again


The place, in my personal view, should be more technical. There are some extremely clever people on here and I would imagine they lose their will to post when there is an excess of non techincal posting/fanboyism/waffle

In my view, it is being diluted by nonsense (and sorry to say @wouter) that I would agree that the 'lifestyle' posts are not valuable in this forum.

My own views, again, are that the team threads should be locked and any chatter on the race would be better served in the F1 Technical Discord. Armchair strategy in what becomes a small echo chamber adds no value to me.

Would also agree with many that the team threads have become too partisan and there is a lack of oxygen in some of them, some of the time, that stifles discsussion.

I still come here because I have been coming here for a long long time - I feel this is 'home' for my F1 fix.

/dons mod hat

If you want to moan about something worthwile - send us a group PM and we can manage it or share feedback.

If you want to let us, and everyone, know you are stirring it up then posting it into these threads isn't really the right way to do about it.

I don't think I've managed to piss many people off - but you can rest assured that I do like to delete nonsense posts and whether you guys are obsessed with Hollus and him being a bad lad - the team is balanced, fair and reasonable.

if you want to post kittens and cakes, go to pinterest..if you want to post girlfriends and trainers of F1 people - I don't know where you ought to go but if you are wanting serious, technical and thoughful posting - please step up, fill your boots and let's see it in here.

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Re: Mods being threatening again


What I would like to add to discussion, in spite of what has been written here - the technical discussions in the last 2-3 years are the absolute peak of quality discussion in this community. It came with greater openess of F1 to technical details in general and some ex-F1 personnel starting new careers after budget-cap related lay-offs and their input on social media giving relevance and credibility to some theories people make. Simplified car bodywork also helped a great lot. 10+ years ago it was mostly speculation, very low amount of data available, 0 telemetry, poor quality info on onboards etc.

Nowadays, there's quite a lot of people who have a very good understanding of major performance factors of these cars and basically this year most of discussions are performance related from track to track. This is why conversations moved from car hardware threads to team threads, where we discuss performance in great lenghts, team personnel movement and what it may bring and some speculation about cars in order to keep car hardware threads clean and to the point. This has been a great success in recent years, as there used to be dozens of posts at the time with pure fantasies and next to zero technical value.

People who come here to read only don't want to read about drivers' dogs having stomache issues, their girlfriends' manicure or whatever their family is up to. There's social media, reddit and specilised yellow press for that. For a community like this one, this represents spam
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Re: Mods being threatening again


Question is then....What do the 'upper levels' who look after the forum want to see from team threads?

Most of the 'quality posts' that it seems that people want to see, are very hard to come across, and especially stay on topic when discussing other content if thats the route to take.

Team changes, driver talk (not that you can compare drivers without it becoming 'ying-yan' and then subsequently being removed.

Maybe we should have a more 'General Chat Team Thread' where people can have the more off topic discussion on their team, keep others up to date with drivers lifestyles (not all of us follow every social media channel), or any other type of talk.
Then you can have the more 'serious' team discussion on personnelle changes, performance and lap time chat/charts etc where there is proper discussion.

The discord works bloody lovely for quali and race days IMHO. Good casual chat and stops a small part of the casual chat that floods race threads and team thread during the sessions. (I mean, IMHO, some of the threads and chat you get in those threads is totally off-topic and has no place in those threads. Even the subforum overview says: TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.). I do wonder, who-ever makes the race thread for the weekend, could include the invite link to the discord to push it and make finding it a LOT easier. Even a moderator could add the link in pretty easily afterwards.

One thing that does seem to be slowly taking off is splitting big/key race discussions away from the race thread. For example say Norris/Verstappen incident in Mexico - which would keep all discussion of a discussion like that in its own thread. A little massaging would sort that side of things out pretty easily IMHO. Just have to be on the ball and make sure threads for those discussions are opened and/or posts moved pretty quickly to avoid clogging things up.

I think having separate areas for more off topic vs technical discussion would work much better (and somewhere for the middleground that seems people want). That way you would get your more technical people posting in the technical areas, whilst they would easily be able to avoid more general team chat etc where chat is a little more off topic and those people don't want to read.

Posts and being able to chat about F1 is what brings the people in, and when the people are in, it brings the posts and brings a area for people to chat with other enthusiasts of the sport. More people, more posts, more revenue comes in - which helps keep the community running. Autosport forum manages to bring good discussion, with plenty of scope/grounds to post things F1 related, albeit its not quite as technical in some areas.
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Re: Mods being threatening again


OMG!!! Do we have constructive criticism here??!! And when some of it is less constructive... it is still calm and civil! Coool!

I'll comment on a few points from your last post, chrisc90:
I do wonder, who-ever makes the race thread for the weekend, could include the invite link to the discord to push it and make finding it a LOT easier. Even a moderator could add the link in pretty easily afterwards.
Excellent idea. Second best, you or any other user can simply post that link in the race thread after it is open.
One thing that does seem to be slowly taking off is splitting big/key race discussions away from the race thread. For example say Norris/Verstappen incident in Mexico - which would keep all discussion of a discussion like that in its own thread. A little massaging would sort that side of things out pretty easily IMHO. Just have to be on the ball and make sure threads for those discussions are opened and/or posts moved pretty quickly to avoid clogging things up.
I agree, and the current mod team is often too small/slow/busy to react with lightening reflexes. But "make sure threads for those discussions are opened and/or posts moved pretty quickly"... is something that every user can do! Go ahead (you or any other user), open the thread quoting one-two starting posts, go to the original place, drop the link to the new thread and suggest people to move it there. It works most of the time. For extra help, then report your own post, so it is like a disco-ball for mods, who can then enforce the moving or redirecting faster.
A couple of users have taken a knack to doing all that (takes 5 minutes), and it often works wonders.

One thing I don't quite get about this forum,maybe it is the engineerish mindset: Most users seem alergic to opening new threads. Like it is impossible to do so! And I don't get it. Is it hidden that EVERY user has the full rights to open whatever thread wherever? (please, find a right-ish subforum, though, but moving a whole thread is super-easy in any case).
I think having separate areas for more off topic vs technical discussion would work much better
But that is exactly what we are trying to do. Car threads, engine threads and in tgeneral the whole "Hardware/Aero/Engine" triad od subtopics here: index.php That is your "technical area".
Those 3 subforums we try to keep extra clean, extra technical, extra on topic.
The race threds, and team threads, almost anything goes as long as it is on topic (as in F1 competition, no girlfriends if possible, please).
And from "other racing series" down in index.php, well, there is even an "off topic" subsection!
Maybe this size doesn't fit all, but it is the result of a lot on internal discussion over the years and found to work reasonably OK. Not perfect by any means.
1) More people, 2) more posts, 3) more revenue comes in
1) Cool.
2) Cool... as long as they have a significant information content. They bring the signal to noise ratio down otherwise. Less posts is often better, few poeple have the many hours daily that it would take to read the whole forum.
3) Do you really think that is a motivation here?!
Precisely because this site is NOT about revenue, we try to make it as interesting as possible. And that, in a narrow topic choice, by design. Precisely because there is no profit here, we are not too afraid of stepping on some toes it it must be.
In most cases, the majority is below the average.

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Re: Mods being threatening again


hollus wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 21:51
OMG!!! Do we have constructive criticism here??!! And when some of it is less constructive... it is still calm and civil! Coool!

I'll comment on a few points from your last post, chrisc90:
Agree with your post Hollus, Only thing I do think that could be a little different is allowing that team 'off-topic' chat and stopping the race discussion in team threads - that should be pushed for a discord channel. (even if the discord had seperate team sub-servers where people could discuss. Granted not everyone has discord however. I dunno if you can have a old-skool "irc chat?" as part of the forum for that sort of stuff.
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Re: Mods being threatening again


chrisc90 wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 16:59
TimW wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 16:28
Somehow it seems like they want the site to focus on technical topics. Weird...
You can’t have a technical offtopic, team or race thread….
Let's close them then. Just have the technical threads!
If I come across as blunt, I apologise, it's my ASD. Sometimes, like an F1 car aqua-planing, it gets out of my control.

Joined: 16 Feb 2024, 13:08

Re: Mods being threatening again


basti313 wrote:
22 Nov 2024, 15:46

Yes, of course :roll:
You mean selective facts...
Facts are facts. Someone objecting to facts using opinion, and giving their own opinion the same weight as actual established facts, is *not* selective facts.

Opinion is an order of magnitude lower in terms of validity of evidence than empirical facts.

The sooner we pass out of this post-truth era where people think shouting something loudly enough until other people start to agree with them carries more weight than scientific evidence and process the better.

But I'm sure your opinion is that I'm wrong.
If I come across as blunt, I apologise, it's my ASD. Sometimes, like an F1 car aqua-planing, it gets out of my control.

Joined: 16 Feb 2024, 13:08

Re: Mods being threatening again


CMSMJ1 wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 19:18
McG wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 14:42
Logged in again after about a year and the neckbeard Red Bull sympathisers are already on my case. Are any criticisms of Red Bull and the golden boy allowed on here. It's always my reply to some delusional Red Bull fan that is reported. Can we not have some fairness for once?

Steven, we've discussed this before. You need a clear out. Or does this come from you. If so you really beed to take a look at yourself and wonder why this site is statistically declining.
You logged in after some time away....and whether intentional or not your posting is bait and your signature is trolling people.

Multiple reports, an ask from me to toe the line and stop being so disruptive and it's now that the world is against you?

Don't be a negative influence.

It's ironic that you would respond to this post in this way, given your obvious bias in private messages sent.

Mods should be independent, impartial and any disciplinary process should be transparent with evidence used to support warnings.

Instead we see users accused of trolling, but mods unable to point to a single post that meets that criteria. We see users ganging up on a single person who they don't like the opinion of - how dare anyone have the audacity to suggest Max is anything less than a God who should be worshipped, how dare a user provide evidence to show his character. Doing so results in anonymous users reporting posts which the accused has no right of reply over and a biased mod then supporting them and using bullying language that clearly shows their own bias when issuing the warning and when challenged refuses to provide any evidence to support the warning.

Where is the transparency? Where is the right of reply?

I 10000% agree with the OP's sentiment, even if not the way they said it.

Anyway, this will be my last post on the forum. No desire to stick around any more, so why not go scorched earth and say my piece.

To those who actually believe in fairness and transparency and want to engage in evidence based discussions, goodbye.

To those who think opinions have as much weight as actual evidence and facts and are supported in their bullying behaviour by a biased mod. F**k you!!
If I come across as blunt, I apologise, it's my ASD. Sometimes, like an F1 car aqua-planing, it gets out of my control.

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Re: Mods being threatening again


PapayaFan481 wrote:
08 Dec 2024, 08:54
CMSMJ1 wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 19:18
McG wrote:
18 Sep 2024, 14:42
Logged in again after about a year and the neckbeard Red Bull sympathisers are already on my case. Are any criticisms of Red Bull and the golden boy allowed on here. It's always my reply to some delusional Red Bull fan that is reported. Can we not have some fairness for once?

Steven, we've discussed this before. You need a clear out. Or does this come from you. If so you really beed to take a look at yourself and wonder why this site is statistically declining.
You logged in after some time away....and whether intentional or not your posting is bait and your signature is trolling people.

Multiple reports, an ask from me to toe the line and stop being so disruptive and it's now that the world is against you?

Don't be a negative influence.

It's ironic that you would respond to this post in this way, given your obvious bias in private messages sent.

Mods should be independent, impartial and any disciplinary process should be transparent with evidence used to support warnings.

Instead we see users accused of trolling, but mods unable to point to a single post that meets that criteria. We see users ganging up on a single person who they don't like the opinion of - how dare anyone have the audacity to suggest Max is anything less than a God who should be worshipped, how dare a user provide evidence to show his character. Doing so results in anonymous users reporting posts which the accused has no right of reply over and a biased mod then supporting them and using bullying language that clearly shows their own bias when issuing the warning and when challenged refuses to provide any evidence to support the warning.

Where is the transparency? Where is the right of reply?

I 10000% agree with the OP's sentiment, even if not the way they said it.

Anyway, this will be my last post on the forum. No desire to stick around any more, so why not go scorched earth and say my piece.

To those who actually believe in fairness and transparency and want to engage in evidence based discussions, goodbye.

To those who think opinions have as much weight as actual evidence and facts and are supported in their bullying behaviour by a biased mod. F**k you!!
It's not, as was said in my PM, that i have issues with you, but that when several individuals report on a swathe of posts then there ought to be action.

Moderation needs consent and recognition that you are not just puppies crapping in the kitchen, but are grown up and understand fully that when you post bait it is done with intent to garner reactions.

I asked you to stop it as the excuse that you did it in defence shows that you do it willingly.

If your last sentence is aimed at me, i find that disappointing and if so, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Re: Mods being threatening again


I think the Mod team needs to have a look at it ratios and possibly grow.
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Re: Mods being threatening again


Here we go again Another official warning from Hollus. I wrote a message about Honda, that they were not happy, ... 7#p1264727

to which @_cerber responded with an big image of a person saying something along the lines of "Who cares, who wants to know?"

It wasn't the same but it looked like something as these two @_cerber1 posted but bigger:

Image ... Image

I then copied from his profile his name and the movie sentence and wrote "I do" behind it.


It was both deleted immediately as usual, so I can't show it. Immediately an official warning with the following:
The following is a warning which has been issued to you by an administrator or moderator of this site.
This is a warning regarding the following post made by you: ... 6#p1264736 .

“Well @ _cerber1 Location: From Russia with love/McLaren fan ..... I do!!

This feels like an ad hominem attack. Why on earth bring Russia into it? And telling people that they should not post here is a no-no.
And you are spamming the thread again.
which I think is complete nonsense, because it is absolutely not a personal attack!!!
I just copied "@ _cerber1 Location: From Russia with love" from his profile, his own words. (James Bond movie)
I did not copy that because of Russia, but because of "with love"!!
Hollus always explains / takes everything negatively.

I just wanted to say that again a McLaren fan has something against their former Honda PU supplier .
He is allowed to post that image, but I am not allowed to respond to it, because then I will get a warning. #-o

If you see what is written in other topics, nothing is deleted, everything is allowed, but if someone responds to my message
with a large image with "Who cares, who wants to know?" then that is just normal behavior and I am not allowed to respond to it
and it will be removed with an official warning and accused of spamming and ad hominem attack!!

This large forum is only moderated by 2 moderators!!! The always objective and unbiased @Stu has unfortunately been absent
since October 16th. Quote: "Last active: 16 Oct 2024, 20:33"👀
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