I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?

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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


chrisc90 wrote:
13 Jan 2025, 23:11
Seanspeed wrote:
13 Jan 2025, 22:00
chrisc90 wrote:
12 Jan 2025, 14:14
To be fair, i've heard more complaints than anything positive regarding the moderating - especially from one moderator in particular.
Well that's how it always goes. Moderators aren't typically the topic of conversation until something gets disputed, in which case somebody is complaining. So of course you're going to hear more negative than positive about them. That goes for anywhere.

I'd be very curious to hear what you guys actually have a problem with. Speak up.
You only have to go back and read through the "mods being threatening" thread to get a decent idea.
You mean the one started by somebody with a rightful -19 reputation here? Who started off his complaints with clear fanboy mentality nonsense and a massive(and quite frankly baseless) persecution complex?

If that is your example of what's wrong with the mods, then I'm more secure in my opinion that mods here are fine than ever.

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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Seanspeed wrote:
17 Jan 2025, 14:36
chrisc90 wrote:
13 Jan 2025, 23:11
Seanspeed wrote:
13 Jan 2025, 22:00

Well that's how it always goes. Moderators aren't typically the topic of conversation until something gets disputed, in which case somebody is complaining. So of course you're going to hear more negative than positive about them. That goes for anywhere.

I'd be very curious to hear what you guys actually have a problem with. Speak up.
You only have to go back and read through the "mods being threatening" thread to get a decent idea.
You mean the one started by somebody with a rightful -19 reputation here? Who started off his complaints with clear fanboy mentality nonsense and a massive(and quite frankly baseless) persecution complex?

If that is your example of what's wrong with the mods, then I'm more secure in my opinion that mods here are fine than ever.

Not at all, I’m on about people who have been here 4/5years all the way back to 2006/7.

Guess someone’s turned post approval on for this topic too. Interesting.
Last edited by chrisc90 on 17 Jan 2025, 21:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Fanboy is a trigger word. I sent Seanspeed's post for a approval too. You quoted it, so...

You only have to go back and read through the "mods being threatening" thread to get a decent idea.
Not at all, I’m on about people who have been here 4/5years all the way back to 2006/7.
Moving goalposts a little bit?
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Moderating is a difficult role. There will always be complaints no matter what you change because in large part it is about not getting the outcome you want and then fitting a complaint about the foruim and mods around that, in my observation. This will never stop happening. Largely the modding seems OK. There will always be inconsistencies between days, mods and modding style, moods, subjects, exposure to a certain individuals recent history of posts (context) etc

Isn't that just life? What exactly would drive a requirement to refresh mods? Perhaps it's worth just raising that politely with whomever it pertains to.

[jokes]Perhaps we need a refresh of users that are more thicker skinned :mrgreen: [/jokes]
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


The only moderator I have an issue with is Hollus.

I compared the FIA presidents latest clamp down on drivers speech to North Korea and got a board warning for being political.

FFS, how is that being political, it was just a straight comparison between how a speech is being suppressed in a sport with how dictators run country!

Before that I got a warning for calling the FIA president Fuhrer, again for being political.

Dictatorship’s suppress speech, that is a historical fact, it not a political statement or treatise.
Last edited by djos on 27 Jan 2025, 03:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Greg Locock
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Are you volunteering or just moaning?

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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Greg Locock wrote:
26 Jan 2025, 23:36
Are you volunteering or just moaning?
I’ve had discussions with several of the other moderators, all have been fair and reasonable.

Hollus is the only one who is unwilling to even have a discussion. So yeah, I’m moaning.
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


djos wrote:
26 Jan 2025, 23:41
Greg Locock wrote:
26 Jan 2025, 23:36
Are you volunteering or just moaning?
I’ve had discussions with several of the other moderators, all have been fair and reasonable.

Hollus is the only one who is unwilling to even have a discussion. So yeah, I’m moaning.
Well, at least you`re honest :)

This forum, as in life in general, there will be times we feel aggrieved things aren`t going the way we`d like, other times they may go in our favour, there are many different people who frequent these forums, some have English as a first language, others not, some have certain things they may be offended by, others maybe more tolerant!

We certainly can`t view this forum as if it was just us and a few mates down the pub having a chin-wag, there are people from many different countries, religions, age, etc, things get out of hand sometimes, it happens.

My view is the mods do a pretty good job, all things considered, lifes to short to get hung up on silly things...

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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Mattchu wrote:
28 Jan 2025, 20:14
djos wrote:
26 Jan 2025, 23:41
Greg Locock wrote:
26 Jan 2025, 23:36
Are you volunteering or just moaning?
I’ve had discussions with several of the other moderators, all have been fair and reasonable.

Hollus is the only one who is unwilling to even have a discussion. So yeah, I’m moaning.
Well, at least you`re honest :)

This forum, as in life in general, there will be times we feel aggrieved things aren`t going the way we`d like, other times they may go in our favour, there are many different people who frequent these forums, some have English as a first language, others not, some have certain things they may be offended by, others maybe more tolerant!

We certainly can`t view this forum as if it was just us and a few mates down the pub having a chin-wag, there are people from many different countries, religions, age, etc, things get out of hand sometimes, it happens.

My view is the mods do a pretty good job, all things considered, lifes to short to get hung up on silly things...
I’ve been on this forum for nearly 20 years, he’s the only mod I consider to be unreasonable.

I’m not going into details, but that is my personal opinion and I’m aware of others who have similar experiences and have reached out to me via DM (I didn’t go looking for a pity party).
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Earnard Beccelstone
Earnard Beccelstone
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


PlatinumZealot wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 15:12
I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think? :!:

In the name of a healthy democracy, a community should not have permanently embedded leadership.
This is an online discussion forum, not a democracy.
PlatinumZealot wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 15:12
This is something that has been proven time and time again throughout history.
And there are abundant counter-examples of organisations where continuity of leadership/membership has proven the key to their existence and success.

Your point would appear to be moot.
PlatinumZealot wrote:
11 Jan 2025, 15:12
At the end of the day, a moderators task function at minimum, is to reinforce (by moderating discussions of course) and enforce the rules of the forum. It's not a special skill, a wide range of users can do this. Perhaps the availavbility, the dedication and trust is what needs to be filtered to find good candidates, but my point is, it's not a careless thing to cycle the batch of moderators every now and then, and its a sensible thing to do.

Rotating panel moderation just for the sake of change seems, at best, to be a pointless and time-wasting exercise. At worst, it would be counter-productive, leading to uncertainty about who the moderators are and their approaches to enforcement of forum rules.

The only time I'd advocate for changing/removing a moderator on a forum is when they undertake actions that are clearly counter-productive to the health of the forum.

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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Earnard Beccelstone wrote:
29 Jan 2025, 03:20
The only time I'd advocate for changing/removing a moderator on a forum is when they undertake actions that are clearly counter-productive to the health of the forum.
I would suggest the following modification to your sentence:
The only time I'd advocate for changing/removing a moderator on a forum is when they fail to take reasonable actions and/or then undertake actions that are clearly counter-productive to the health of the forum.
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


djos wrote:
26 Jan 2025, 22:32
The only moderator I have an issue with is Hollus.

I compared the FIA presidents latest clamp down on drivers speech to North Korea and got a board warning for being political.

FFS, how is that being political, it was just a straight comparison between how a speech is being suppressed in a sport with how dictators run country!

Before that I got a warning for calling the FIA president Fuhrer, again for being political.

Dictatorship’s suppress speech, that is a historical fact, it not a political statement or treatise.
I take back everything I said earlier and will back this.

Just a couple days ago I asked people if they would translate non-English tweets so I didn't have to click on Twitter links myself. Simply saying I didn't want to click on a Twitter link was apparently a 'political statement' I shouldn't make, and now that certain same mod Hollus just gave me a 'warning' for the most BS nonsense where I was calmly and reasonably responding to people attacking my stated(and supported) opinion, where the mod essentially suggested I shouldn't be responding to these posts at all, even though they are the ones being antagonistic towards me.

Hollus seems like he's taking out his own political agenda on others here. Simply me saying I dont want to click on Twitter links seems to have made me a target. Seems pretty clear this guy shouldn't be a mod at all and needs to go because he's putting his own defensive politics above his actual job here.

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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


I’d like to say I’m surprised, but I’m not. :(
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Just a couple days ago I asked people if they would translate non-English tweets so I didn't have to click on Twitter links myself. Simply saying I didn't want to click on a Twitter link was apparently a 'political statement' I shouldn't make...
Both posts are still standing untouched, so...
you posted this:
And I posted this:

"Can folks translate non-English tweets so we dont have to give Twitter any clicks ourselves, please?".
That was the post. I note the use of "we": Please, "you" is you, and "we" is telling people what to do.
Am I the only one reading this as "let's not give Elon any clicks"?
You are not the first to take that line, and it only happens since a few months ago. Am I reallly misreadig the Musk angle in this?
If that was the wrong take, I apologize.
The rest of you message, was really the same from you and from me, wasn't it? But it hits different coming from a user than coming from a mod, I hope. Users cannot dictate forum rules, mods can (and should). By the way, that rule was here before I became a mod.
I have, of course, been reminding (and enforcing) people to not post with mostly intalian or mostly dutch, or mostly turkish, for years, and I should as a mod.
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Re: I think it is time to refresh the moderators. What do non-moderators think?


Hollus just gave me a 'warning' for the most BS nonsense where I was calmly and reasonably responding to people attacking my stated(and supported) opinion, where the mod essentially suggested I shouldn't be responding to these posts at all, even though they are the ones being antagonistic towards me.
Your post stil stands, untouched (because it was never abouty that one post, as clearly stated). Feel free to link it here?
And I won't discuss warnings in public (mods don't, forum policy), but if you insist, feel free to post the content of the warning. The FULL conent in that case, please.
What you said above does not reflect, not even remotely, the explanations accompanying the warning. IMO.

Can it be that I measured wrong before cutting? Yes it can, it comes with the territory. I don't think it is the case here, but I am open to the possibility. Again, the risk comes with the territory. But I don't know how fair it is that I shall go from hero to villain in a single action?
In most cases, the majority is below the average.