0.5 out of 9mm is 5.55%.
Missing a target by 5% is 'sloppy' by F1 engineering standards. I am not ready to believe that people within the team 'didn't know it' when they setup the car. It's simply not possible. Still decided to 'wing it' I suppose.
bluechris wrote: ↑23 Mar 2025, 15:12
Yes we botched it today, so? It's a new car with big changes and the team will learn from this.
I have posted so many times in this thread, about how tifosi wear their emotions on their sleeves and how this thread swings from elation to despair within a span of one or two sessions on a weekend. So, while I understand your perspective, I think the team deserves a lot of flak for the skidwear mistake - running really low and with not-so-stiff suspension -> any amateur stock car racing team would know that bottoming out is a big risk with this combination. So it's not a case of 'not expecting'. It's a case of 'maybe we can escape scrutiny'. A 10 second pitstop team like Kick Sauber wouldn't do this, why did Ferrari ? The biggest team in F1, with the biggest financial backing, with state of the art tech at their disposal. To 'not look bad' with a legal but slow car ? It's not the fact that they made a mistake that is irksome, it's the fact that they
knowingly decided to go ahead with a mistake.
TNTHead wrote: ↑23 Mar 2025, 15:22
Does anyone know the uncertainty of the measurement equipment? 799 vs 800 kg is only 0,125% difference. One would assume that they should add the measurement uncertainty to the measured value before comparison with the limit.
Come on, mate, don't you think this wouldn't have been addressed ? The FIA document clearly states that calibration was checked to be fine.
PDR wrote: ↑23 Mar 2025, 16:25
Clean air is still king..
Hamilton's sprint pace indicates that
Really ? how do we know it was a legal car that Hamilton ran ? Just 19 laps and it would have probably been on the verge of skid wear limits already. PLease don't misunderstand me, I am not trying to be buzzkill ; but the very basic nature of the 'miss' is terribly irritating. 'Cheating with clever tech' is one thing, but cheating with hopes on 'not being checked' is terrible. Did no one in Ferrari examine Hamilton's plank after the sprint yesterday ? I can't and won't believe, that no one did. They must have surely. So there is no excuse of 'new tarmac, high grain, we didn't expect this much wear' either, to hide behind. The wear limit excess is 5% away from threshold, not 0.5 or 1 %.