JamesS wrote:If media reports are to be believed Brawn owe their livelihoods to McLaren, so no, they shouldn't be penalised.
They obviously wouldn't have done it if they were fighting with McLaren for a championship.
Apparently Mclaren needed to agree also.CHT wrote:JamesS wrote:If media reports are to be believed Brawn owe their livelihoods to McLaren, so no, they shouldn't be penalised.
They obviously wouldn't have done it if they were fighting with McLaren for a championship.
Mclaren? I thought it is Mercedes that will most likely be funding Brawn GP next season.
Thats something new to me. Why would Merc need to get Mclaren approval to buy into or supply engine to other teams?JamesS wrote:Apparently Mclaren needed to agree also.CHT wrote:JamesS wrote:If media reports are to be believed Brawn owe their livelihoods to McLaren, so no, they shouldn't be penalised.
They obviously wouldn't have done it if they were fighting with McLaren for a championship.
Mclaren? I thought it is Mercedes that will most likely be funding Brawn GP next season.
I think it is testament to Brawn's positive attitude. They started out as the whipping boys at the bottom of the pit lane, but they ended up helping the guys at the top of the pit lane.Confused_Andy wrote:I thought it was just common decency. No way should they be penalised for that... Granted it was just stared at last year, but no one wants to help Ferrari
According to sources Merc and McLaren have an exclusivity agreement until the end of the 2011 season. Under the agreement a new supply of engines needs the approval of McLaren. McLaren according to AMuS vetoed Merc engines to Red Bull next year.CHT wrote:Thats something new to me. Why would Merc need to get Mclaren approval to buy into or supply engine to other teams?JamesS wrote:Apparently Mclaren needed to agree also.CHT wrote:Mclaren? I thought it is Mercedes that will most likely be funding Brawn GP next season.
I agree, this happened very early in the race and should have been a drive through as that was what happened to Massa in Singapore last year. However, they do reserve the right to give a retrospective 25 second penalty which they deem as an equivalent to a drive through, like the penalty for Hamilton in Belgium last year.andartop wrote:..However, it's still not legitimate me thinks. Of course it shouldn't have been Brawn that got punished but Heikki and McLaren. It's not against regulations to offer external assistance, but I'm pretty damn sure it is to accept it. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of the sporting code could enlighten us.
Why no one is crying foul at the stewards' decision to investigate this after the race is beyond me..surely, had it been a Ferrari car all the conspiracy theorists would be ranting about Fiarrari etc.
And didn't Massa serve a drive through penalty last year at Singapore? Why not Heikki???
I imagine it would be amongst one of the most routine points to have in such an arrangement as the McLaren-Merc partnership that neither organisation can conduct business with other teams without the blessing of the other partner.CHT wrote:Thats something new to me. Why would Merc need to get Mclaren approval to buy into or supply engine to other teams?