having raced FF in the past I must disagree somewhat on their grip levels and the comparison you are making. the car relied on mechanical grip, but as there are no aerodynamic devices the comparison just doesn't relate. also, the power to weight of FF meant that the driver had to be smart with the gas pedal, so while I agree that the engines make less power, it was more than enough to distiguish the men from the boys.machin wrote: have you guys watched Formula Ford racing? Very low power and pretty good grip and the overtaking is amazing...
while there are a few good tracks these series run, i believe that the street course type races that they run are horrible. all the bumpy "point and shoot" type tracks should not be called races, they should be called demonstrations. in the instances where its very bumpy the areo bits on the bottom aren't doing much, and the wings are adjusted for max downforce no matter what the drag penalties are. just doesn't sound like the type of place to showcase and race something hundreds of engineers devote their lives to. some passing does take place if thats really what you want, i just don't think it shows off the performace aspects of the cars as well as a "true" track would. unless you want to show off the reliability and durability aspect of the cars...Ciro Pabón wrote: Have you ever seen an IRL/CART/Champcar race? There is plenty of overtaking and no problems with downforce.
as for what I think should be done to facilitate more passing... well, I'll let the people who really know what the air around one of these cars is doing tell me what needs to be done, and I'll go with that. (It still amazes me that they allowed the DDD, I will say I hope they do away with it for next year. I also like how the teams all came together and made the agreement to not run KERS next year. It aparently wasn't that helpful after all, I mean just look what happened to Kimi as Webber shut the door on him in Brazil last weekend.

Also, just want to say. Long time reader, just recently registered, and this is my first post here. And this site really is the best place to follow F1 and I look forward for whats to come. I really look forward to the driver's "musical chairs" game at the end of the season and over the winter, and how Alonso adapts to his new seat next year.