I didn't point out anything of the kind, a pneumatic valve-system is not really complicated, why I'm sure you will see it on roadcars soon for other reasons than increased Rpm.Pup wrote:It is ingenious, but it's also a dead-end in the sense that, as you point out, it will never be of use outside of racing or some specialized application. The system is too complicated, and there's just no practical advantage to screaming around in your mini-van at 20k rpm. Fun, perhaps.xpensive wrote:Pneumatic valves is a poor xample to use the banning-tool if you ask me Pup, when this is an ingenious development to get rid of the hysteresis in the spring-action, which is energy-saving in itself. Surprised not to see it on road-cars yet though.
Sure, if you're not looking for road-relevance or concerned about rev limits, then I'm all for it. Bring on electromagnetic valves, too.
Electromagnetic valves is a technical dead end, when the power-consumption of the spools is simply far to power-consuming.