There are some frankly sickening Lewisphilia going on in this thread. Am surprised the guy can move without all you guys after a piece of his ass or a touch of his Midas hands...
Lewis is not the second coming of Ayrton Senna. He is very good but there is room for improvement. All this BS about unloading tyres and 50% this and 95% that is stinking fanboi claptrap.
Nobody here has driven a 2009 car, nobody here can regularly race for 200 miles in 90 minutes and still be smiling...
If you have followed F1 for a long time you will see that heroes come and go and only very very rarely do superstars keep up the high levels they started with. Look at our good friend Kimi - where is he now? He was the new messiah...and failed to quite reach that pinnacle his fans would put him on. Look at Alonso - he beat MS in the twilight of his career (when he was still the fastest man over 200 miles for most weekends) and now Alonso is rubbish because he went to a new team, did not like it and apparently was trounced by Lewis.
Get a long term view people... Judge people when they have finished their career.
On the specific topic - I think that over the 3 years that Lewis and jenso might be team mates that the scores will be very tight maybe 200 to 180 for Lewis.
You might see that Jenson does have that extra speed in him that he will need to match Lewis for outrightpace on a lap. I also expect to see the racecraft and car management skills come through in Lewis so he will be faster over the whole race and whole season.
Can we have less of the blatant man loving please?

What would your wives and girlfriends think if they read some of this syncophantic drivel?