And you have a copy of the published objectives relating to the 280 person head count - can we see it please to substantiate the numbers.................Oh well, the 280 head count is consistent with the published objectives of the resource limiting agreement.
All this talk of headcounts is just crap by people who never even been close to run a business Chap, when anyone who actually has knows it can never ever be policed.Chaparral wrote:And you have a copy of the published objectives relating to the 280 person head count - can we see it please to substantiate the numbers.................Oh well, the 280 head count is consistent with the published objectives of the resource limiting agreement.
Please be accurate in your demands. I have said that the objectives of the resource restriction agreement are known. It is simply bringing the team budgets or resources back to mid 90ties levels. There are countless media reports and documents by FIA and FOTA about that objective.Chaparral wrote:And you have a copy of the published objectives relating to the 280 person head count - can we see it please to substantiate the numbers.................Oh well, the 280 head count is consistent with the published objectives of the resource limiting agreement.
No substantial business can work without a resource plan and a budget. FIA/FOM and FOTA have agreed to a specific plan and they will make it work. I believe you simply do not know what you are talking about.xpensive wrote:All this talk of headcounts is just crap by people who never even been close to run a business Chap, when anyone who actually has knows it can never ever be policed.
So can you show us the document stating this is the adopted policyAnd you have a copy of the published objectives relating to the 280 person head count - can we see it please to substantiate the numbers.................
Request whatever you like. I don't care as long as you avoid to take notice of the mid nineties resource level objective. I might give that a little search if your memory is so short.Chaparral wrote:Im not demanding anything - its a simple request.
So can you show us the document stating this is the adopted policyAnd you have a copy of the published objectives relating to the 280 person head count - can we see it please to substantiate the numbers.................
So there is no actual published head count agreement - its speculation on your part from what you have read in the press - I have only asked for clarification all along and you cannot supply said documentation............Oh well, the 280 head count is consistent with the published objectives of the resource limiting agreement.
Well yes it is speculation as your reliant on what someone else has said am I wrong - and sorry but you gave the impression upfront that it was documented that there was a head count of 280 people per team - I didnt say that you didSo stop being a nuisance and don't ask me for a secret document that only insiders have seen.
The 280 heads figure is no speculation on my part. It is simply quoted by someone else.
This is what I said upfront:Chaparral wrote:Well yes it is speculation as your reliant on what someone else has said am I wrong - and sorry but you gave the impression upfront that it was documented that there was a head count of 280 people per team - I didnt say that you didSo stop being a nuisance and don't ask me for a secret document that only insiders have seen.
The 280 heads figure is no speculation on my part. It is simply quoted by someone else.
I have given the source of the figure and said that the 280 appears to be the limit set by the agreement. I have followed up with some speculation about next years figures. The rest is misconception on your behalve.WhiteBlue wrote: ... he-breach/
So it appears that the resource capping for 2011 has been set to 280 head count for team personnel. I do not think that anything else has been revealed about the resource restriction agreement before, so this is at least one corner stone of information. One has to assume that the 2010 figure must be significantly higher than that. Considering that some teams employ in excess of 600 persons I could make an educated guess that the figure will probably be close to 450-500 next year. This would be based on the previous argument that employment cannot be reduced sharply in one go but in several steps.
No you said published objectives - which is incorrect - Lola were dumped what 3-4 months ago rules changed and yet you state Birrane is a credible source - Id check my info and stop making statements of fact which they may not be..........please by all means show us the document with the head countOh well, the 280 head count is consistent with the published objectives of the resource limiting agreement. The aim was to get back to structures as prevalent in the mid 90ties. So instead of throwing injective and foul language around it would be more productive to work on the assumption that the reported figure is correct. Personally I would think that Martin Birrane would have more credibility as a source than Chaparral. He certainly uses the nicer language.