Should the posts on this forum be clearly defined by the poster as to if they are Fact or the poster's Opinion?
I believe that both are welcome, as well as needed for rounded discussion, but I think that for those people that come here to learn are running into alot of ambiguous information.
There are several engineers on this forum, and to the laymen, (myself included), I can see how it is easy to be misled or confused by the current trend of information communication on this forum.
There are many people on these boards that already do a great job of educating the members with their well thought out posts, their mathmatical explainations, and the graphs that make it easy to understand. A few of these members are (in no particular order):
Jersey Tom
Ciro Pabon
...and a few more that I cannot think of off the top of my head.
These members produce facts, and then lead into their methodology as to why they form an opinion in a certain way. I find these posts to be the most educational as well as the most reccomended. And I thank them for their time and willingness to share their understanding.
What this poll is all about is the clear definition of opinion in the posts on this forum. I have asked to be removed from the F1T ranks several times because it really bothers me that there are members that try to make others believe their opinion is actually a known fact. I have no problem with conecture, especially on a topic with very little information, nor an extrapolation of "best interest" motivation, as long as it is stated as such.
So, I ask the members of
Do you believe that this technical forum deserves the clarity that I am asking for here? Do you think that it is crucial to the technical nature of this forum?
Or do you think that it really doesn't matter, and gossip is king anyways?
Please vote, and voice YOUR opinion. I would really like to see what other members think about this subject.
Thank you!