I have learned very much from posting here. I used to love arguing, found it kind of fun, but then I realized just how lame it was(is) for our moderator.
I have been very careful to not post what I think is correct as fact. The only times I post info now as if it is a fact, is when it is quoted from someone else.
There were a lot of untruths that I had taken as fact. A good example was that I heard on some F1 broadcast that F1 engines were reaching a point where the air entering the engine was near supersonic. I took this to heart as thinking that around 22,000 RPM was a hard limit due to the air speed.
When I presented this as fact, I was quickly lambasted as an idiot, and had to back up (beep beep beep), put my ducks in a row, and take the fact that while I was the utmost authority on F1 amongst my friends, I am just another fool here.
But.... when my mind was opened, I have learned a lot. I have even started reading magazines like Racetech and Racecar Engineering. A lot of it is over my head, but understanding what a trip strip is doesn't take an engineering degree, but watching SpeedTV might never tell you what it is anyways.
I have had knowledgable people on here see something that they think is wrong, and go off like no tomorrow. Like when talking about Active Suspension, I mentioned Alex Zanardi crashing in 93 in a Lotus, and I got told by a few people that Alex Zanardi didn't race in F1 until much later.
Point is, I don't argue anymore, unless I have looked into it and find the post wrong.
Discussing facts, debating opinion, and debating facts, and discussing opinion can all be done without arguing.
As for my quote at the beginning of the thread, glad it gave a laugh