Conceptual wrote:
And rule #1 in Neo-Tech is that those with the most to lose by its integration into society are those that claim authority over sentient beings with free will. IE: A govt that is made up of the decendants of criminals that now rule the ex-prison colony that is now Australlia.
As long as they are occupied here, it keeps them out of the way of the productive people of society, and they matter less by their absence. Nature has its own way of draining the shallow end of the gene pool, and it is now safe to conclude that this forum is just a place for these worthless bigots to shout their way to self-percieved importance.
Mate, I have just watched from the sidelines and your whole argument is flawed. Firstly, where do you get off bashing an entire nation in one statement. That is one seriously BIGOTED statement. From what I have seen of the Australian Government as an outsider, they rule with justice and are a good example of democracy. Painting a nation with one brush, Neo-Tech or not, is a very small minded thing to do. I am a white South African. Do you consider me to be a racist based on my demographic code, or do you want to get to know me and make a more educated judgement.
Secondly, judging by the amount of time you spend on this forum, complaining hugely about other people when all I can see from your arguments is just a lot of gnashing of teeth, and not a lot of fact. You sound like a HYPOCRITE as well.
I am relatively new to this forum, and I have learnt a great deal from it. My posts may have not added technically to the forum, but have generally been based on my enthusiasm for the sport(?)/business. Do you want me to produce an engineering degree certificate before I can make a post? Most of the discussions are based on interpretation of news/photographs/analysis anyway. You'd be better to be a journalist than an engineer here.
Yes there are quite a few- shall we say 'characters' on board, but hey, that's life. I for one enjoy the discussions that take place, because out of all the chaff that blows about you may just pick up a of nuggets here and there. And I do really appreciate the masters around, because there comments are very educational and mostly spot on.
You come across as a highly ranked member of the Thought Police. Give it a rest man.