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This was sleeping on my HDD for two years or so. When the rumors about Russian GP started, I've made this quick model of unique F1 circuit. Even named it - "Silhouette". Nothing fancy, just basic shapes to get the idea. Some 30 different configurations, including oval. There was a rumor that it must be fitted on very small piece of land, that's why it is so short, and with paddock in the middle.
looks like an airport cicuit... like the old cleveland CART race... I miss that race alot... I love airport circuits, maybe because I learned to race on 1
nice job Manchild, keep those cool ideas/pics coming
i like it, needs some elevation to the top on the super long straight, and you could fix the 'too long' straight by keeping the pitlane on the straight, but having to direct the racetrack through the other side of the pit building, even though i think that would create logistic problems.
I'd actually welcome a long straight where cars would be able to go full potential but i don't know how the fia would cope with the possibile dangers involved when a crash could occur.
Apart from the fact it would never really happen, i do really enjoy the creativity in this. It's different, and that's what i like.
Come to think of it, would be interesting to see some good-rendered fantasy tracks instead of the Major Boring Tilke tracks.
Circuit Of The Americas looked like it was interesting, but to be honest, that might just have been because it was new and back to the States, because COTA was imho the most BORING race of the entire year and i just couldn't be bothered with the track.
We need somebody who creates an EXCITING, daring track, that'll ask the most out of the driver and give them a run for their capabilities. After that, they should 'adapt' or investigate such a design where they can improve track safety, and first
without altering the track structure or endless runoffs. I'm sure over dozens of years of F1 there is a possibility for more advanced speed-reducing barriers instead of the gravel pits for example.
I think it would be a good excersize to do technological research for high-tech safety 'nets' at F1 tracks [and LM, etc].
If you can make a new hightech graveltrap instead of needing 2 miles of runoff area, you can bring excitement back.
"Explain the ending to F1 in football terms"
"Hamilton was beating Verstappen 7-0, then the ref decided F%$& rules, next goal wins
while also sending off 4 Hamilton players to make it more interesting"