bernard, do you point with your left or right foot.
No offence intended!
Just goes to show how easy it is to stereotype somebody doesn't it? Me, Drunk? not often, i usually drive places so i can't have too much, indian? wowee, what an insult! (not), smoking pot? where'ed that one come from?! Oh well just so you know, I dont, in fact in my (nearly) 19years I've never even smoked a cigarette....being an amateur boxer means u gotta stay i cant and i wont. Little Fairies? Dont you mean lepricauns?!Spencifer_Murphy, i didnt know you where indian and irish(a drunk indian smoking pot and talking to little fairies, GEESH) so thats why ive said nothing on behalf of that
We're trying to get cfd analysis as one of the key features of the site. But to get that as a regular item takes a LOT of work. And seeing as this site is voluntary based, it's pretty hard to pay anyone to model and analyse the parts, eventhough a simple part can take as much as 10 hours to build and analyse in cfd.Spencifer_Murphy wrote:
Oh btw... Bernard whats the CFD matter you were talking about???
I can imagine it takes a helluva lot of work...but how will it it like a simple CFD program embedded on the webpage so we can upload files and test them? or is it were people will send you (or your collegues) a file which you then CFD test using your own software and u put the results on the webpage?We're trying to get cfd analysis as one of the key features of the site. But to get that as a regular item takes a LOT of work
Yeah, it can be de-moralising, but you've gotta remember, he's a faceless coward, /Fx & Ed both sign off their posts so we know its them, but this guy just rants a load of rubbbish and hides benid the annonimaty (is that actrually a word?! I dont think I spelt it right either way!) of being a "guest". Thats why people like him anger me so much, not only are they rude, but they are cowards and pretend to be "scarey" and unimpressed by us, which is quite easy considering we dont know who they are, that and the fact that racsim just gets me very angry.We're trying to get cfd analysis as one of the key features of the site. But to get that as a regular item takes a LOT of work
Thanks.Spencifer_Murphy wrote:
Just remember mate, the majority of us here on this site really appriciate the wrk your putting into your site and cant wait to see it. Speaking of which, have you got a host yet? or any idea of a Website name? or URL?
Amateur boxer... now that will scare evil Guest away.Spencifer_Murphy wrote:....being an amateur boxer means u gotta stay i cant and i wont. Little Fairies? Dont you mean lepricauns?!