Thought they had a staff of 450 ... (German)marcush. goz 300head count ,a windchannel,CAD stations ,a windtunnel model everything in place..
so please where is the bottleneck to develop new parts ?
Anyways, when presenting the W01 Zetsche said, that they're aiming for the title (he didn't say which one

In November Haug said that the F1 engagement is aimed to be cost-neutral in the foreseeable future. Also MGP started hte project just because the time was right (resource restriction in 2011, which they already fulfil this year). Why increase staff and costs, when 2010 is simply to install the team and get it work right?
Mercedes wants to tie in with their very successful past of the silver arrows what they always denied in MCL times. Would they back out and hazard their image? Would you?
Another sight: How do media work? If you would say "if there were no restriction, we would back out of the show", then - because they need a handy head line - media would write "XX threatens F1 to back off!"
So first present sources before screaming ... [-(