ringo wrote:So much for the Vettel is a nice humble kid, wont hurt a fly, wont tell a lie.
Webber is owning his ass now, and he can't take the pressure.
I think he is overrated in terms of personality, and race craft. But i still regard him highly in terms of speed.
He is clearly less mature than any of the young drivers after today. Pissed me off when i saw him doing this wacko finger thing after he came out of the car in the gravel trap.
As if he was saying Webber is crazy.
i don;t buy your logic. Vettel was clearly annoyed. he made a good move on webber who then forced him left (one wheel over the white line.
Webber is then beat but does not give Vettel room approaching the racing line.
Webber then drops back and vettel sees this as Webber giving him the room required and moves left. But Webber is not giving him room he is just beaten but tries one last tactic, pinch vettel into the braking zone and hopefully he runs wide.
This backfired and both ended up lossing. I thought vettel handled it well. Senna would have called webber and Fu**ing piece of Sh*t and would have proceeded to wage a persoanl war on track for the next few seasons.
I hope Vettel does throw down the gaunlet and drop the PR bs attitude.
webber was beat, he should have given his team mate room. He did'nt.
I lay the blame squarely at Webber's feet. I would fire him.