Is Vettel overrated? What do you think

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Is he overrated?

Of course not
Extremely fast, but inconsistent
He is nothing but hype
He will mature in time
Total votes: 197

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


andrew wrote:Vettel didn't turn to the right enough to casue a crash. The lead was lost and Webber should have conceded.
:wtf: ....
For Sure!!

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


andrew wrote:[youtube][/youtube]

Seems strange that the white line on the lfet was getting closer to Webber. Darn moving tracks! #-o
You can clearly see Vettel turning in to Webber at moment of impact.
If you cant see this then I think a trip to the opticians are in order :lol:
Webbo did make a dink to the left, but this still left Vettel with ample track room.

Bottom line is its Vettels fault.
More could have been done.
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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


It is in RedBull's best interest for Vettel, NOT Webber to be winning all the races so looking back on it I am not too surprised that Webber was told to turn down his engine while Vettel wasn't. I know Webber wasn't even expecting Vettel to pounce like that. But all in all Webber did the right thing by making it difficult for Vettel. A win is 7 points more! Every point counts.

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


It is all a bit fishy, there must be pressure from DM to have Vettel win the first RB F1 WDC/WCC...but they can't be too blatent about it...

I don't know how it all works but I'm surprised that Webber turned the engine so much it gave Seb such a big top speed advantage.
- Axle

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


Isn't Vettel on probation for his the same stupid move he pulled over into Hamilton in the pits? If it weren't his own teammate I think it would warrent a grid penalty for the next race... there is no place for trying to cut people off in racing.

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think



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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


in the first interview vettel said ...I lost control of the car

later on it's webber's fault

nice montage from the ukraine ...looks like me he told the truth first
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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


It's Vettel's mistake obviously, but it's not worth a penalty. He just slightly misjudged the situation. Stuff like that can happen. He didn't do it on purpose I think and he himself paid dearly for it already.

Webber was not at fault. But he could have been more of a teamplayer there maybe. But that's easy to say in hindsight. Surely he didn't expect Vettel to chop him like that so there wasn't much he could do during the very brief moment it happened.

I'm a bit shocked about how Red Bull are handling it though. They are letting Mr Marko having a go at Webber which is totally inadequate. This is going be hard to repair. That's really bad management.

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


I'm sure he thought he passed Webber when he moved to the right - sloppy driving. But he didn't realize what actually happened, hence all the hand waiving and body language. Then he talked to the team and probably watched the replay, and tehn looked very confused talking to the press.
later on it's webber's fault
I missed the second interview, maybe Seb had a chat with Helmut Marco who taught him how to be an ass. That's something he's known to be ace at.

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


ISLAMATRON wrote:Isn't Vettel on probation for his the same stupid move he pulled over into Hamilton in the pits? If it weren't his own teammate I think it would warrent a grid penalty for the next race... there is no place for trying to cut people off in racing.
I think it was for once race, besides it is irrelevent as Vettel did nothing wrong.

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


I'm a bit off-topic with this one, but I want to know what you guys think.
Can/Would you say Vettel is a good defender when pressured? He let Lewis overtook him on the 1st lap I think.

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


andrew wrote:
ISLAMATRON wrote:Isn't Vettel on probation for his the same stupid move he pulled over into Hamilton in the pits? If it weren't his own teammate I think it would warrent a grid penalty for the next race... there is no place for trying to cut people off in racing.
I think it was for once race, besides it is irrelevent as Vettel did nothing wrong.

Its like all the Schumacher deniers of old, who would sell their own mothers before admit their beloved overated german was in error.

There seems to be only one driver, who when interviewed blames Webber. Several drivers when asked their opinion lodge the blame firmly in Vettels lap. From David Coulthard to Alex Wurtz, to name but a few.

It's time Vettels dangerous behaviour is nipped in the bud before the very overated, impetious little boy Vettel thinks he can get away with anything.

And i believe its time Adrian Newey started development on a spine for Christian Horner, he needs one for the next race. He's sorely lacking in that area right now.
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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


Remember Vettel was and is still being manufactured(Mansel :lol: ) by RedBull. They have invested millions into him, and they want to see the first part of his "manufacturing cycle" complete by the end of this year. For them Vettel HAS to WIN this year (if a RedBull driver is to win)and bring RedBull it's first WDC to justify their investment. No way in hell would they sit idly by and watch that "Bumbling Aussie" take the crown over their German wonder-child.

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


@ clarkiesyeah
tbh, comparing Vettel's mischiefs to Schumacher's is a bit of a stretch :lol:

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Re: Is Vettel overrated? What do you think


Overratted based on this season & this race.