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Have you heard his latest idea? basically he wants to allow any engine, which i think is great however each team willl have restricted fuel now i think that this is a good idea how well it'd actually work is a different matter but i'd be interested to see it
i think it is a terrible idea, the engines should be exactly the same for every one, its bad enough STR are using V10's this year. If everyone has different engines types then comparison is harder, having any engine is just Max leading F1 into 2 or more divisions, like a V8, V10, V 12 divisions. Max needs to stop thinking about what he wants and give the people what they want, F1 and the FIA do not need a dictator it needs a leader
Not another "idea". Max, you arse, stop messing about with the sport so much. All these new ideas and theories are getting too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to be honset, my gut reaction says it could be a good idea. there is only so much energy that can be gotten from feul, and reducing the amount of feul used could be an easy way to regulate speeds as the manufacturers get better. it would allow more technical innovation, which many people on this site seem to be pulling for, and this even seems like a situation where this technology could trickle down into road cars and make a difference. certainly flys in the face of cost cutting though, at least at first glace. these are just my knee jerk reactions to his suggestion, but overall i think there is a lot of potential here (a lot more than the promotion/relegation idea anyhow).
jezzwa wrote:If everyone has different engines types then comparison is harder, having any engine is just Max leading F1 into 2 or more divisions, like a V8, V10, V 12 divisions.
...which i spose might work nicely with the other idea he came up with involving leagues although i must say that is such a flawed plan. i mean take Arden for instance i remember seeing christian Horner on ITV a few years back and he said that the only reason they weren't in F1 was down to the costs and you won't be able to bring down F1 enough to allow any of the GP2 teams to just be "Promoted"
Mosley needs to leave the rules alone, i agree with limiting the budgets of big teams, but if mad max keeps changing the rules we will never have good racing because the big teams will win always, if the rules were kept relatively similar from year to year the smaller teams would be more competitive, eg. the 2005 aero regulations showed us that the teams with the money Mclaren and Renault would win where as the smaller teams like Jordan and Minardi did not have the money to invest in the research.
I agree, changing the rules too often does not help with cost-cutting at all. Anybody knows the retooling costs are really high for any type of production, be it a road car or an F1 car. Changing designs costs money, period.
But, that does not mean the rules shouldn't change, they just shouldn't change as often.
BTW, I believe a fuel spec would be a great idea and could really highlight some creative engineering, after all, you cannot treat anything as an infinite resource because that's just not reality. we should encourage engineering that can be applied to real-world situations. F1 has become a completely corporate meta-technology land. It'll be a long time before a pneumatic valvetrain appears in a production car, but it's been in F1 for how long, 10+ years. Ideally, we should be seeing F1 tech on the road within 5 years. Can you imagine how this could transform public perception of the sport. People might be more interested to learn about F1 tech because they know it'll end up in their road car, instead of the other way around.
I know I buy Bridgestone tyres only because I believe their F1 tech ends up in the design (potenza reXXX only). I would think it would be hard for a tyre manufacturer to not improve their designs directly from racing, esp. in F1. But I think that's peculiar to tyre making.
Whereas, Honda or Toyota have so many different cars, it's hard to say that ANY of the F1 tech ends up influencing the design (although, we soon shall see the first Honda V10 road car). But Toyota, c'mon, you'd hardly know they're racing from their cars, so boring, every one of them. I have yet to figure out why Toyota spend soooo much money on the sport, for what rewards do they reap?
i agree totally i think rules should be changed however i also belive they shouldn't be changed so often.
In my opinion, and yes this is pretty much just communism but isn't that what we are after? equal teams? i think that it should be that all of the teams sponsorship goes into one "account" and then is divided equally so it is still up to the teams how much they get but when there budget is increased so is everyone elses as it is all drawn out equally, Now admittedly like communism this won't actually work either due to the fact some teams have better facilities than others anyway.
but its a better suggestion than the split wing i mean wtf? lol i don't think it would improve it enough i can see where they were coming from but still its not ideal for overtaking.