It seems they can't get the car to work properly. We say how Rosberg and Schumacher would perform in a RB6 but what would happen if McLaren or Red Bull were given MGP W01? Could they get it to work? Last year MP4-24 was a crap but they won races. It's so odd that the car has no strength at every trackmarcush. wrote:
The word flawed chassi is what is itching me....what might be that flaw causing this sort of trouble? It is a carbon tube basically as everyone else has.
Macs have a very long one ,Renault have a very short one...
RBR,Ferrari,Sauber,Williams,Mercedes tororosso , Virgin and HRT have adopted a v shaped tub crossection with elevated steering ,Mclaren and Renault have the steering low ,Lotus the single car with a steerringmount as high as the upper wishbones...
I simply fail to understand just why this car should not have any strength ..renault has strong tracks and so does MACS ,but the benz seems to struggle no matter what you have on offer:barcelona,Hockenheim montecarlo,Canada ,Australia... were did they shine? it is too easy to say ...the thing is crap ,get over it and start afresh.
Last years Mac ,that was a crap car had everything you would not want,wrong weight distribution ,,crap aero,overweight ,you name it.And they won races ,well Hamilton won races...

I agree with you Marcush.