F1 Coverage in your country

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Joined: 02 Jan 2006, 14:04
Location: Adelaide, South Australia

F1 Coverage in your country


I was just wondering what degree of coverage other countries get. In Australia we get pretty terrible coverage, 2 min Highlights of qualifying before the race. the races are delayed and are shown late at night so its impossible to watch a race and be functional on monday :evil: The only race we get live is the Australian GP :( .

So what do other countries get?
Vote 1 for GPs back in Adelaide

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54

Re: F1 Coverage in your country


jezzwa wrote:In Australia we get pretty terrible coverage, 2 min Highlights of qualifying before the race. the races are delayed and are shown late at night so its impossible to watch a race and be functional on monday :evil: The only race we get live is the Australian GP :( .
That is why I suggested this :arrow: viewtopic.php?t=2035

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Joined: 02 Jan 2006, 14:04
Location: Adelaide, South Australia

Re: F1 Coverage in your country


#-o unless you have fast internet (not me) your stuck
Vote 1 for GPs back in Adelaide

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Joined: 08 Mar 2005, 18:50
Location: New Delhi, India


I live in India and you will be surprised to know that we really do get exceptional coverage and the timings are generally around 5:30 in the evening so no problems with me!!!

Joined: 09 Jul 2003, 11:54


I live in Belgium and the coverage is ok. All of the american races are delayed. That's why I never watch at belgian television. I bought a sattelite tv so I can watch at SBS6 (tne netherlands- good - all is live) and for the free sessions I watch at eurosport france. Always live. I never missed a free session.
A sattelite is not that expensive. I would say, buy one :)
all hopes on the MP4/24