Ferrari F10

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Sean H
Sean H
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Re: Ferrari F10


If the Korea race doesn't happen, that plays right into Ferrari's engine issue.

I believe they will be fine, he still has usuable engines left. Maybe when they did the reliablitly upgrade earlier in the year they threw some new rings and bearings in a couple of engines (that's for the haters and conspiracy theorists out there).
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Re: Ferrari F10


The one thing that really gets me is the fact SD has come out and said there will be no true updates to the car anymore. Minor tweaks here and there, but nothing track specific or substantial. Granted, the car is overall a solid car, but this does seem a bit concerning.

Especially considering McLaren is expected to bring a "massive" update to Suzuka, including updates they could not fit to the car for Singapore.

Ferrari also claim to defend their logic by saying they "expect" the other top teams to follow the same suit and stop development on their cars. Not so sure I agree with that statement...

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Re: Ferrari F10


Could be the classic double-bluff. They claim no new upgrades which means that if they bring something and it's not very useful then they can say "told you we weren't bringing anything else".

If they bring something and it works they can claim "it's a small upgrade, suprised no one lese improved very much since last race"

If other teams fall for the line then they get mugged by the red cars.

Good way to look good in all situations really. Unless they lose the title race by a single point, at which point SD will be hanged from the nearest flagpole for being naive whilst the rest of the team say "it's his fault!".

I'd expect the Ferrari workshops to be flat out trying to bring extra speed to the car until the last possible minute...
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Re: Ferrari F10


Mandrake wrote:
zgred wrote:Image
What's wrong with you guys? We now see a perfect picture of a floor and what its profile looks like and nobody has to comment anything on it?
You can actually see quite a bit from this picture... nice job. Look at how the top exits are all bulged out for max flow. You can also see a channel that carries air from the spitter and dumps into the top exits of the diffuser. Nobody really knew how the blown floors carried air to the diffuser until now.

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Re: Ferrari F10


Anyone knows what the "experimental" part for next year is? It could be something borderline illegal, like kers.
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Re: Ferrari F10


ringo wrote:Anyone knows what the "experimental" part for next year is? It could be something borderline illegal, like kers.
Has "internetf1fan" hacked your account? :lol:
Or, perhaps, "autogyro"?

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Re: Ferrari F10


ringo wrote:Anyone knows what the "experimental" part for next year is? It could be something borderline illegal, like kers.
KERS isn't illegal. Thanks.

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Gilles 27
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Re: Ferrari F10


It's always the same with the "haters" of Ferrari. They laughing so long until they don't win. But if they began to make some victory so start some conspiracy theory.
... and it's true KERS is legal this year, but nobody has it (weight!)

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Re: Ferrari F10


That's why i said borderline illegal.
I'm a ferrari fan believe it or not. But when they say experimental part for next year, the first thing that comes to my mind is KERS.

I'm no hater of ferrari. That doesn't mean certain thoughts wont cross my mind about a team being a little creative. This experimental part could be the new flexi wing or f duct fad.

i've always though the f10 was faster than the Mclaren from Valencia, so their performance is no surprise to me. It's been second best for a while now.
i saw it coming a while back:viewtopic.php?f=12&t=7490&start=1575

What's also interesting is that i think their braking performance is related to their front wheel design; if everyone remembers that they have a locked in advantage there.
Their braking strength on circuits that are hard on brakes could be related to wheel design causing some effect on braking temperature.
It could all be tied into the front wing endplates as well.
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Re: Ferrari F10


ringo wrote:That's why i said borderline illegal.
It's not borderline, KERS is 100% legal this year, it's in the regulations. The agreement between teams is nothing to do with the FIA and as far as the sport is concerned it means jack! As far as their relationship with other manufacturers goes breaking the agreement would probably upset a few people, but I would imagine they would get over it.

It's too late in the season to implement KERS and it would very difficult to implement it in to this years cars unless it was taken in to account in the original design.

Personally I don't like the agreement not to use KERS. I think at this late stage in the season and with no testing it's a no brainer for teams like Mercedes to develop their car for next year using this years car as a test mule.

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Re: Ferrari F10


ringo wrote:I'm a ferrari fan believe it or not. But when they say experimental part for next year, the first thing that comes to my mind is KERS.
So you think they can simply put 25+ kg unit (with additional cooling required and engine mods) on their car?

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Re: Ferrari F10


timbo wrote: So you think they can simply put 25+ kg unit (with additional cooling required and engine mods) on their car?
Well, since they've written off Felipe's chances at the WDC, it wouldn't matter (from the team POV) if HIS race pace was compromised in order to have some testing time running KERS bits.
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Re: Ferrari F10


forty-two wrote:
timbo wrote: So you think they can simply put 25+ kg unit (with additional cooling required and engine mods) on their car?
Well, since they've written off Felipe's chances at the WDC, it wouldn't matter (from the team POV) if HIS race pace was compromised in order to have some testing time running KERS bits.
My question is not about whether it is logical, but simply whether it IS possible.
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Re: Ferrari F10


I assume you mean tub?

Agreed, bits of the car are homologated, but what's going on inside is not.

I don't know at what stage the "gentlemens agreement" about not running KERS this year was taken in terms of the design for the F10, or whether Ferrari left certain elements of KERS in the design. For all we know, they could have bays ready to take the various components already in place since the start of the season, although I doubt it.
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Re: Ferrari F10


Going slightly off topic here, but given that it's a gentleman's agreement and not strictly policed etc, is it possible that some teams are actually using KERS, and masking it as something else? We often hear "use the overtake button" etc, is it possible that this is merely radio code for KERS? In which case, could they somehow use KERS to power the ignition overrun we often hear, to reduce the damaging impacts of an extended ignition overrun on the engine?