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AMuS give some detail about the resource restriction agreement (RRA):
- Head count cap on 31.12.2010 maximum 350 for design, manufacture and operation of the race cars
- Head count cap on 31.12.2011 maximum 280 for design, manufacture and operation of the race cars
- Budget for bought in parts or engineering contractors €40m in 2010
- Budget for bought in parts or engineering contractors €20m in 2011
- customer engine sales price limited to €9m, eight engines per season
- wind tunnel hours 60/week, CFD restrictions in place
The restrictions for December are are not enforced by Ferrari yet. They will comply very late and switch many resources from the gestione sportiva to the road car and engine departments. With currently 900 employees they have to cut back to a third. Domenicali commented:
Domenicali wrote:Früher haben wir rein ergebnisorientiert gearbeitet. Der Zweck heiligte die Mittel. Jetzt müssen wir mit weniger Leuten, weniger Werkzeugen, weniger Geldeinsatz auskommen. Wir müssen das Ergebnis gegen die Kosten abwägen, müssen Prioritäten setzen. Das verlangt von uns eine völlig neue Denkweise, eine andere Kultur. Die Qualität deiner Mitarbeiter wird immer wichtiger. Die Aerodynamik spielt in der Formel 1 eine zu dominante Rolle. Viele Dinge sind für die Autoindustrie überhaupt nicht relevant. Dafür verkümmern bei uns die mechanischen Entwicklungen. Zurzeit nimmt die Aerodynamik 80 Prozent der Entwicklungsarbeit im Vergleich zur Mechanik ein. Wir müssen das Verhältnis auf 50 zu 50 bringen.
In the past we have worked completely target oriented. Money was no issue. Now we have to get by with fewer people, less tools and less money. We must balance the result against the costs, we have to set priorities. This requires an entirely new way of thinking from us, another culture. The quality of your employees becomes ever more important. Aerodynamics is much too dominating in F1. Many things are irrelevant for the automotive industry. On the other hand our mechanical developments are wasting away. Today aero takes 80% of developments compared to mechanical. We need to bring that ratio back to 50:50.
Small teams like Toro Rosso are very positive. Franz Tost thinks that with total RRA in place it will be possible to run a team with the same competitiveness on €50m that cost €200m before RRA. Both team principals believe that the fluctuation of engineers between teams will keep the competitors honest. Nobody can afford to cheat because it will get out and they have signed a legally binding agreement.