Ecclestone has launched another campaign to medal system F1

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Joined: 28 Dec 2008, 16:31

Re: Ecclestone has launched another campaign to medal system


If we really want to see drivers to give it all, then why are they limited to eight engines per season, effectively four to five gearboxes per season and one chassis per weekend? It would take a lot more rule changing than introducing a medal system to make drivers to push it to the very limit.

And instead of going to a medal system in which nothing but the podium is rewarded, wouldn't it be better just to count the best 2/3-results? Such a system was used in the 1980s: only the best 11 of 16 results counted.

Joined: 16 Feb 2010, 15:08
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland - WhiteBlue Country (not the region)

Re: Ecclestone has launched another campaign to medal system


WhiteBlue wrote:
andrew wrote:If it was on Joe Saward's blog I would disregard it completely. I have read it a couple of times and the guy just comes accross like an on-line Eddie Jordan and as someone put it on the comments page "a self appointed expert".
It appears your knowledge of the guy isn't too deep.
Wikipedia wrote:Joe Saward (born July 14, 1961 in London) is a British Formula One journalist. He was educated at Haileybury College and attained a degree in history at Bedford College, University of London. In 1984 he joined Autosport magazine in London. He began reporting on Formula One in 1988, working alongside Nigel Roebuck and remained as Grand Prix Editor of Autosport until 1993. He later wrote for the F1 News magazine, and went on to create the Business of Motorsport newsletter and, a Formula One website.
F1 editor of Autosport is a pretty good credential. He has traveled to all GPs for 22 years. There are probably very few more senior guys in the F1 paddock. "self appointed expert" is a good joke. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am aware of his background. Still doesn't make me care for his blog. The way he comes accross onany critism is very arrogant and extremely off putting, especially when there are several better sites out there.