Sawtooth-spike wrote:Yeah somebody once said to me that the more wings you see on the car the worse the Aero. they are trying to make up for a bad design
Let's compare aircraft wings. In almost all new, modern wing, they are clean from fences and vortex generators, and other add ons. For instance the F-15 wing is pure and clean.
Just like aircraft wings, you want to maximinize lift( or downforce) against drag. You can easily crank in a huge wing angle, and get tons of downforce, but at the expense of drag. Every little addition, be it a chimney, or strake, or winglet, is another source of drag. They may add downforce and clean up the airflow, but they add drag. A hypothetically aero perfect car would have just a front wing, chassis, sidepods, and rear wing. maybe it's achievable, or maybe the rules are now so convoulted that things like chineys and bargeboards, and turn vanes are necessary.
But Toyota sure has got it wrong, their performance was pathetic compared to the time and money spent on that car.
And they are not sandbagging, they just can't get the speed others posess.