F1 Job interview

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F1 Job interview


Hi everyone.

I have a job interview with an F1 team this week for a Junior model design engineer position. Has any one had any experence of job interviews with F1 team for engineering positons? just wondering what to expect as I thinking it will be a technical one. Just looking for ideas as to what potential technical questions they would ask.

If any one can help I would greatly appreciate it.

Joined: 08 Jul 2009, 02:11

Re: F1 Job interview


If your good the questions they ask will breeze, the questions you ask will make you stand out...

Ask stuff like, what excites them? what's their most useful tools? (normally pen and paper) simple stuff to make them engage in convocation. its just the same as any other interview in the world, just be confident.

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Re: F1 Job interview


nyc8405 wrote:Hi everyone.

I have a job interview with an F1 team this week for a Junior model design engineer position. Has any one had any experence of job interviews with F1 team for engineering positons? just wondering what to expect as I thinking it will be a technical one. Just looking for ideas as to what potential technical questions they would ask.

If any one can help I would greatly appreciate it.
You think that?? :wtf:
What is going on there?
Haven't you applied for a special job or how it comes they invite you for an interview?
I mean you should have a idea what kind of job this will be.

Btw: What kind of experience do you have?

Joined: 09 Mar 2004, 16:55

Re: F1 Job interview


as it is a model design engineer position ...you should be aware of which are you are working on:Either windtunnel model or be it mold construction design?
Either ways you should know a thing ort two about modelmaking ,resins layup ,moldconstruction ...but most of all being creative and deep ,forward(ahead) thinking in you´r ways of work.Otherrwise you will be lost as you will block all people asking ort doing everything wrong.
If it is windtunnel model design ...of course it would be nice to know a bit of systems incorporated into the model...but maybe a juniour designer is meantz to learn as he goes.

btw the week is almost over...

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Re: F1 Job interview


I dont remember failing any job interview I did. And when I say "I did" Im mean that I was the one intervieweing the company, not otherwise.
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Re: F1 Job interview


hehe ..of course..I think in a F1 job interview I would not run out of questions...before the night falls..but I guess they are used to long working hours.

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Re: F1 Job interview


Confused_Andy wrote: Ask stuff like, what excites them? what's their most useful tools? (normally pen and paper) simple stuff to make them engage in convocation. its just the same as any other interview in the world, just be confident.
I think I'd find questions like that a bit weird if I was the interviewer...

They won't be expecting you to know everything since you are only going for a junior position, but they will want you to demonstrate a logical engineering thought process about the stuff you don't, so don't guess at things.

Familiarise yourself with the technologies used in model design - again, you don't need to be the fountain of all knowledge, but an awareness of the processes involved will go a long way.

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Re: F1 Job interview


I had in Ferrari some 10 years ago.
If you want to succeed, just try to show a good CV, be precise in recounting your working experience, expect to undergo deadly shifts and little money, at least in Ferrari.
They first had me talking with a recruiter which tried hard to work my temper off(nothing technical, by the way) and finally managed to, then when i got the door unshowed she insisted for me to talk with some of the brass. Nikolas tombazis came to give me a ride in a FIAT Marea station(!) and took me to the wind tunnel, and had a pleasant talk about my experiences, formula in general, my expectations about the work, and the reason why i chose"adrian.newey" as my mailbox username, which was obvious to me. In the end, the economic treatment proposed was simply unbearable so i declined.
The same, but with some positive conclusion, i experienced in Ducati in their early years with Mr.Alan Jenkins, that all of you are supposed to know.
To sum it up, it's easy but for the part i had with the recruiter.
Hope it helps, good luck.
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Re: F1 Job interview


But most important for any interview, or any work-related situation for that matter, never ever come across as a potential threat to your boss-to-be. That's just basic Machiavelli for you.
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Re: F1 Job interview


xpensive wrote:But most important for any interview, or any work-related situation for that matter, never ever come across as a potential threat to your boss-to-be. That's just basic Machiavelli for you.
I did this in an interview. The boss asked where I saw myself in 10 years time. I looked him in the eye, smiled sweetly, and said "doing your job".

The bugger gave me the job as well. And I'm still here :cry:
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Re: F1 Job interview


Just_a_fan wrote:
xpensive wrote:But most important for any interview, or any work-related situation for that matter, never ever come across as a potential threat to your boss-to-be. That's just basic Machiavelli for you.
I did this in an interview. The boss asked where I saw myself in 10 years time. I looked him in the eye, smiled sweetly, and said "doing your job".

The bugger gave me the job as well. And I'm still here :cry:

that line is so dated it is unbelievable...

when asked the same question myself, I state both personal goals and work related goals.

Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 20:37

Re: F1 Job interview


This was, um, 14 years ago. It took me about 12 years to get in to the position which is now equivalent to his at the time. He's retired now of course.

I have to admit that I was little blind-sided by the question and it was the first thing that came to mind. The way it's delivered is important - said with humour is fine. Said with a steely glint in the eye is likely to be less successful.
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Re: F1 Job interview


I hate that question. You can be arrogant and say you are going to be successful, or dull and simply say "good at my job".

In reality, my job has changed every 2 years or so as new unexpected challenges have come into the company. That's probably because I'm not in a corporate ladder climbing career but chose to chase interesting work instead.

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Re: F1 Job interview


i might be posting out of turn here but...

looking at this thread, it has really given me a glimpse of what to expect if and when i get a chance for work for a F1 team ( i hope n pray every day [-o< )....)

If u are really interested and if its your passion.... just prepare to you best and njoy the experience... not many get to sit for an interview with a formula 1 team everyday....

Just to help out some young engieers like me... can the forum have a place where we can post in our resume... so that it gives us an oppurtunity to work in any racing team (not only F1).... cause...many members here have lots of experience and contacts with teams... it might help us out....
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Re: F1 Job interview


It would be interesting indeed to learn more about Christian Horner's questions when interviewing Adrian Newey?
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