I smile faintly every time somebody doubts if X or Y is a good pilot. I have to confess it: I love all of them, pilots. Every one of them. It is easy to forget that they are playing with death (yes, with death) when they race. It has been a long time since the last mortal accident, but it could happen any minute.
And, let me assure you, they do not do it for our entertainement. They race because they have an inner fire, a passion, a skill, that carries them beyond you and me. They are also persistent, brave (in the exact way a "matador" is brave: facing the old reaper), and they put their money where their mouth is.
And this is the reason why every mechanic worth of his tools love "his" pilot.
I do not remember the exact phrase, but I think it was Mika Häkkinen who said something like "somewhere in Finland there is a guy working in a farm that could be a better pilot than anyone of us, if only he could get his hands on a racing car. And you know what? He will never get one... "
Old Mika was remarking a very important thing: talent is secondary. It is effort what carries you higher. And I really do not know if Jenson Button is doing his best effort. Even if Kimi seems to be as good a party-goer as him (mmmm... could it have some influence in Kimi's "bad luck"?). You bet Michael Schumacher excels at this: he really tries hard. The car he got when he entered Ferrari had not won a race, either.
So, I do not know if Button is a "better" pilot than Schumacher (he could be) or if Sato is crazier than Senna (he could not be). I simply love them. All of them. Even Ide, even Gastón Mazzacane. That is why I love racing: not because of the cars or the circuits or the engines. I love racing because of the pilots. Please, treat them gently, at least in my pressence...

I am "an old fart" as Manchild said, and at my age and with my temper, you could give me a heart failure with those comments. And, what is worse, I can rant for ages and put really long posts, like this one. I can only agree with this kind of comments if they come from someone like Jacques Villeneuve.
This does not mean I cannot make fun of some of those guys. To cite myself in other thread

"despair do not, my young padawans! His victory JB will get after the 100th race, he will. I have seen it... in my dreams."