Post here all non technical related topics about Formula One. This includes race results, discussions, testing analysis etc. TV coverage and other personal questions should be in Off topic chat.
It is true what Spencifer_Murphy said about learing. No one knows everything and I'm sure that everyone learns at least a little bit by reading this forum. I learned a lot here and I still do and that is why I consider this forum to be great place for exchaning knowledge and sorting out dilemmas.
BTW, if FIA heads had any brains they'd be supporting rare sites and forums like this one because places like these spread technical (automotive) knowledge among people and promote motorsport.
A smart (or more likely wise) person knows he does not know everything. The more you learn, the more you realize there's a lot more out there. There are people who are darn good specialists, and really know their stuff, like CFD and aero. And there are suspension experts that can define the effects of suspension changes. And there are others, like me, who just love motorsport and absorb everything.
I learn a ton of stuff in this forum, to me it is like a doorway to F1 knowledge. I add my input, but I get a lot more out of it than I contribute.
For me, my philosophy is to always ask.. "why", and never stop being inquisitive. When I see a certain technical issue on a car, the biggest question I ask myself is "why did they do that?" Not how it works, but why do these very intelligent and knowledgeable engineers and tacticians do a certain thing? If you can figure out just why they did it, then usually the rest of the answers start to fall into place.
I'm a bit old, and that tempers a lot of what I do. Not that I think I'm perfect and all that crap. But I've made my mistakes like any young'un, and learned that mixing whiskey and beer all night, leads to a long session on the ceramic telephone..
Watch a lot of races, examine everything, look hard. And enjoy.
RacingManiac wrote:The rule that says re-alignment of more than 2 wheels, does that mean also anysort of intentional bumpsteer is also banned? Be it as kinematic based(roll steer, probably useless as F1 car don't roll any meaningful amount) or complience based(Weissach Axle, like the 944)?
Are you the same RacingManiac that was on for a long time?
"Some people will tell you that slow is good - and it may be, on some days - but I am here to tell you that fast is better." - Hunter S. Thompson
m3_lover wrote:I think if you look at the 2001 WRC compliation video from speed tv you see the Subaru back tires turning, type in WRC in google video to find the video
i have it at home
maybe then they dont anymore? i guess they are now back to mechanical diffs and the like too...
Sigh, how is a WRC car going to run on mud if is not 4WD. You might not see it clearly but it's turning, it turns a bit only if the tires in the back turn like the front the car would be out of Ctrl.
4 WHEEL STEER, not 4 wheel drive! (sorry caps lock on!) it is obvious they are 4wd think of one certain audi quottro in the early 80's, then the revolution it started with every body moving to it...