Jason wrote:
If you calculate by Panis career I'm sure you will pay him more right?...Duh

which year did Panis joined Toyota, and when Zonta did?

Am I correct in assuming that you're suggesting that since Panis has spent more time with Toyota (which, by the way is not true), that he should be paid more money?
The truth is, both drivers joined Toyota in 2003. The only difference is that Panis had a race seat, while Zonta was the test driver. But even if what you're saying about a person earning more money because he'd been with the team longer, even that makes no sense. Trulli was driving for Toyota at the end of 2004, while Ralf didn't make the switch until 2005. Then, how do you explain the fact that Ralf is making 3x as much as Trulli?
I, personally, cannot explain Panis' salary. Some time ago, I've read that every engineer would be lucky to work with a guy like Panis. Apparently, his debriefs are extremely helpful to the engineers.
Other test driver's salaries (estimated for 2005):
Zonta - $1.0 million
Montagny - $250,000
Wurz - $2.5 million
de la Rosa - $500,000
Badoer - $1.5 million
(source: March issue of F1 Racing)