My F1 car - LegendaryM

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Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


SEBA_406 wrote:Hi, congratulation for the job... it´s awesome!!! do you have the rear wing dimentions. I´m trying to make my onw esign but I don´t know the dimetions of the F1´rear wing.

This could help you:

Joined: 02 Mar 2011, 23:18

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


Thanks!!! :D :D It really help me!!!!!!

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Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


A Huge Update:

Firstly i have increased the wheelbase by 160mm to 3410mm and used this extra length at the sidepods
A new front wing endplate; with an added vertical fence. This is more similar to my design 2 iterations ago.

A new wider nose, which i believe will work better with the double floor i have added.

A new chassis without the red bull style v-nose. Because of the regulation limiting the nose to 625mm, this chassis design gives the largest possible area underneath the chassis. I have also changed the front suspension and added ferrari style front wheel rims.

I have added a STR style double floor, because of this the whole area around the sidepods has had to change. There is a new mirror which is in the legal area stipulated by the regulations now, new smaller bargeboards and a new vertical turning vane which doesnt direct air to the outside of the air as agressively as the previous one.

I have changed the hole in the floor in the outer 50mm. I have made it much larger and directed the exhausts towards the centre of the floor. I have also stopped blowing the gearbox starter hole so i am blowing entirely the outer 50mm of the floor. Because of this i have changed the diffuser, it is similar to my previous designs before i started blowing the starter hole. I have also been able to lower the rear impact structure as there is no need for space underneath it.

I have changed the rear wing completely. The second element has a much shorter chord and ends 10mm forward of where it normally does, so that when it is activated it has a very small aoa. I have also "shaped" the rear wing actuator as a wing to provide more downforce

I have lowered the cooling outlet and therefore been able to re-add the shark fin

MRVC: Tolo Racing

Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


Great update once again!

That front wing and floor really are an outstanding piece of art, just love to see some more detailed pics of it. A double floor on the other hand is something that can be discussed though, I mean, you pretty much raise the CofG by a few cm and blowing the exhaust is harder to do as it goes through the double floor. The way the exhaust blows the floor is another piece of art too, i havent thought of such an thing.

Long wheelbases seem the way to go, as everyone is constantly lengthening theirs, I actually plan on my next car to maike a wheelbase longer than the red bull and McLaren, just so i have more packaging space

The actuator is another genius thing altough i doubt it is in any way legal, the actuator is part of the rear wing, and upper elements are limited to two pieces, you might get away with a simetrical wing profile though(no trailing edge).

I really would love to see an CFD on that car, it seems really clean designed and i think it might even do well in F1
"Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender

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Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


Heres the loophole:

With the exception of minimal parts solely associated with adjustment of the section in accordance with
Article 3.18 :

- when viewed from the side of the car, no longitudinal cross section may have more than two
sections in this area, each of which must be closed.
- no part of these longitudinal cross sections in contact with the external air stream may have a local
concave radius of curvature smaller than 100mm.
MRVC: Tolo Racing

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Joined: 25 Nov 2008, 14:45

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


With the exception of minimal parts solely associated with adjustment of the section in accordance with Article 3.18

I think you fall foul of the word "minimal" in the wording above...


And also possibly with the section "solely associated with the adjustment.. blah blah" since your third wing element is the thing being adjusted, and not the part doing the adjustment...


Also it doesn't comply with:-
FIA F1 RULES wrote:3.18.1 The incidence of the rearmost and uppermost closed section described in Article 3.10.2 may be varied whilst the car is in motion provided
Sorry..... :wink:

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Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


3.12.10 In an area lying 650mm or less from the car centre line, and from 450mm forward of the rear face of the
cockpit entry template to 350mm forward of the rear wheel centre line, any intersection of any bodywork
visible from beneath the car with a lateral or longitudinal vertical plane should form one continuous line
which is visible from beneath the car.
3.12.9 In an area lying 450mm or less from the car centre line, and from 450mm forward of the rear face of the
cockpit entry template to 350mm rearward of the rear wheel centre line, any intersection of any bodywork
visible from beneath the car with a lateral or longitudinal vertical plane should form one continuous line
which is visible from beneath the car. When assessing the compliance of bodywork surfaces in this area
the aperture referred to in Article 3.12.7 need not be considered.
this floor edge by the diffuser is not really a loop hole as such.
the outer 50mm thing is more to do with the edges of the floor that are beyond 650mm from centre line and 350mm forward from the wheel center.

The same goes for the rule with 450mm.

It think the FIA were being tricky with these rules. They actually gave the option to bore holes in the floor where they know it wont be a benefit, but the teams were wise in placing the notches and holes in the right areas. :lol:

tell me something though, how do you find the time to do all this? :wtf:
I'm trying to build one, and ive just done the regulation areas.
What's the steps in the process to build your car?

I drew the reg boxes, then i printed out a plan and side view, and then i will use pencil an draw out my car on the plans, then go on to produce the cuvres in solidworks.

What approach do you use? The update rate is astounding.
For Sure!!

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Joined: 11 May 2009, 21:56

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


machin wrote:
With the exception of minimal parts solely associated with adjustment of the section in accordance with Article 3.18

I think you fall foul of the word "minimal" in the wording above...


And also possibly with the section "solely associated with the adjustment.. blah blah" since your third wing element is the thing being adjusted, and not the part doing the adjustment...


Also it doesn't comply with:-
FIA F1 RULES wrote:3.18.1 The incidence of the rearmost and uppermost closed section described in Article 3.10.2 may be varied whilst the car is in motion provided
Sorry..... :wink:
No, the third wing element is part of the wing actuator. Here is a picture of the activated wing:
MRVC: Tolo Racing

Joined: 02 Mar 2011, 23:18

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


Amazing Update, the new nose it´s really great. It´s seems to be more efficiente that the older one in combination with the floor and remind me the F10´s nose (duck nose). Also, very interesting the new element over the rear wing...although I don´t really undestand the function and it´s effect.

I have a little question, I don´t know what software you are using to make this model, I´m actually using SolidWorks for my designs. How do you draw the "gills" in the endplates of the rear wing?? (I don´t know if that the appropiate name). I mean, do you make it using a solid extrude or something like that??

Thanks from now..


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Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


LegendaryM wrote:
machin wrote:
With the exception of minimal parts solely associated with adjustment of the section in accordance with Article 3.18

I think you fall foul of the word "minimal" in the wording above...


And also possibly with the section "solely associated with the adjustment.. blah blah" since your third wing element is the thing being adjusted, and not the part doing the adjustment...
No, the third wing element is part of the wing actuator. Here is a picture of the activated wing:
.. so you think that your third wing element would be looked upon as a minimal part solely assoiated with the adjustment of the upper rear most element? :?

...But its good lateral thinking though.....

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Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


Well you could shape the adjustment mechanism so that it is wing shaped, and then it should be legal. I think if an f1 team tried it the fia would have to be in a good mood, if you know what i mean
MRVC: Tolo Racing

Joined: 02 Mar 2011, 22:27

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


looking good =D> , but i still question at how complicated it all is turning out to be.

man i wish i understood half the rules in that rule book so i cant spit out a passable design :)

*edit...anyway you can post orthos? front side and rear?

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Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


ok my flexi-wing. I had to find a way to make the wing flex without any fancy carbon fibre lay up techniques. What i've done is split the wing into 2 parts. the upper part undergoes the load test, while the bottom part flexes, as it doesnt have to undergo any tests.

The blue part is connected to the supports by the camera housing, and covers the area required by the regulations
3.17.1 Bodywork may deflect no more than 20mm vertically when a 1000N load is applied vertically to it 800mm
forward of the front wheel centre line and 795mm from the car centre line. The load will be applied in a
downward direction using a 50mm diameter ram to the centre of area of an adapter measuring 300mm x
150mm, the 300mm length having been positioned parallel to the car centre line. Teams must supply the
adapter when such a test is deemed necessary.
the highlighted area shows the 300mmx150mm area which undergoes the load test
MRVC: Tolo Racing

Joined: 23 Feb 2008, 17:55

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


No offence, but now you are just making things up. I mean, this neutral wing has a certain area where to fit in, here is there the wing connects to it which has to undergo the loadtest. They would never test the upper wing, but only the lower part.

Further the front wing looks really good and pretty well developped, with in turn is being a lot simpler
"Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender

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Joined: 11 May 2009, 21:56

Re: My F1 car - LegendaryM


wesley123 wrote:No offence, but now you are just making things up. I mean, this neutral wing has a certain area where to fit in, here is there the wing connects to it which has to undergo the loadtest. They would never test the upper wing, but only the lower part.

Further the front wing looks really good and pretty well developped, with in turn is being a lot simpler
teams supply their own adapter for the load test, and the blue part would still be considered part of the front wing. Im still sure this is legal. The front wing is never defined as what connects to the central neutral element in the regulations

Bodywork(not what is connected to the the neutral wing) may deflect no more than 20mm vertically when a 1000N load is applied vertically to it 800mm
forward of the front wheel centre line and 795mm from the car centre line. The load will be applied in a
downward direction using a 50mm diameter ram to the centre of area of an adapter measuring 300mm x
150mm, the 300mm length having been positioned parallel to the car centre line. Teams must supply the
adapter when such a test is deemed necessary.
MRVC: Tolo Racing