Monza current situation

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Joined: 12 Aug 2005, 14:36
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Venom wrote:I'm sure one weekend won't hurt them, anyway F1 engine sounds awesome :)
Well, I think that they aren't only protesting against the f1weekend, but also protesting about the other events taking place at Monza!
It's idiotic, but what can I say!

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When will Monza be sacked from the list??
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Monza might not be able to host this year's GP. :cry:

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Some more information Dave?

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Principessa wrote:
Venom wrote:I'm sure one weekend won't hurt them, anyway F1 engine sounds awesome :)
Well, I think that they aren't only protesting against the f1weekend, but also protesting about the other events taking place at Monza!
It's idiotic, but what can I say!
I understand, but F1 is most popular event that takes place on that track, and it too will bring money to the area.

I also understand local residents, the ones that are complaining. Who would want to hear engines screaming all day? No-one. But still, they are greedy taking such actions before giving a little think.

It's hard to judge. We want F1!

ADD: ... 20foto.htm

I swear there is something special about this circuit. Green scenary? Just compare it to the boring Bahrain.

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02


Principessa wrote:Some more information Dave?
Just a bad feeling Principessa. This anti-noise coalition has made a huge impact, and they have a judge who appears to be heavily leaning on their side. These selfish people have come so close to shutting down the whole operation, I don't think they will cease until they get their way.

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Damn and Tomba and I entered a competition to win tickets for the GP at Monza (not that we'd win :P )

I really hope your feeling is wrong, as you don't have a sixth sense like woman have :wink:

I really really think that F1 is going the wrong way. Ecclestone wants new circuits and forgets about the historic venues!

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It's not like I think a petition can change the world, but as it is the only thing we can do, every member here should sign it...

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I've signed it.

I'm suprised hasn't mentioned anything about Monza, yet.

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Ciro Pabón
Joined: 11 May 2005, 00:31


I guess the question now is:

How big must be the area around an F-1 circuit to guarantee that you are complying with noise regulations?

We better start saving for the rise in the ticket's price.

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Venom wrote:I'm suprised hasn't mentioned anything about Monza, yet.
That is because Bernie can't wait to see more of the European tracks canceled so he can make even more money by selling F1 in countries with no racing tradition and with boring tracks.

Joined: 20 Jan 2005, 04:02


manchild wrote:
Venom wrote:I'm suprised hasn't mentioned anything about Monza, yet.
That is because Bernie can't wait to see more of the European tracks canceled so he can make even more money by selling F1 in countries with no racing tradition and with boring tracks.
Sadly manchild, all too true. Just recently Bernie was making noises about eliminating the San Marino and European GP's because they were two races in one country, each. If Monza dies a death outside of his influence, he can avoid the furor of directly dealing with cancelling a GP held in Italy. For him, it's politically convenient.
Then he can sell that race weekend to another nation, for even more profit.

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It's true...And I don't want more races in other parts of the world, that means getting up in the middle of the night :P !

I really don't understand why Ecclestone wants to leave the historic F1 circuits and move to new circuits in other parts of the world. The history of F1 is made here in Europe! Well, that is what I think!

Joined: 21 Dec 2003, 18:22
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Updates and additions the story reported here from Gazzetta.

There was indeed a meeting last week (Friday) between the two families and the Monza’s mayor Faglia, but no agreement was reached yet, there are proposals, about the possibility to install anti noise barriers and about making a selection of the events, allowing the international ones and cancelling the national ones going over noise limit, but mayor has still to meet Sias administrators and discuss with them, details aren’t available at the moment and it still looks like a phase of negotiation. According to Faglia himself he was delighted to discover that the families aren’t against the Autodromo per se but are ready to find a solution. Honestly from their declarations in the previous days (“we made a proposal of maximum 60 days in total, it was refused, we aren’t ready to discuss anymore”) it didn’t look so to me, but he did talk with them and I didn’t so he must be right.

I can add that last Monday (March 20th) the two families sent to Sias and to both Monza and Milano administrators (the two municipalities are co-owners of the circuit) a notification to respect the judge decision because otherwise there will be a penal denounce. It’s because of that that Monza’s mayor organised the meeting with them. Possibly the cause of that notification was the Sias decision to open the track Sunday March 19th, to circulations of road cars in substitution of the cancelled races. Judge sentence doesn’t stop it because road cars obviously have silencers hence Sias was entirely entitled to do so, I think they could open track 365 days per year to silenced cars if they wanted (and if it was for me...). Magazines last week reported that not even the two families are particularly happy for the sentence because it’s the whole activity they want to limit while would be ready to “sacrifice” couple of days for the Gp (I already explained anyway that the track can’t live only thanks to the Gp). Apparently one of these people was contacted by a radio program that Sunday, unfortunately I didn’t hear it but from what I read he complained about the noise coming from the track.

Later last week, Tuesday and Wednesday, ARPA (the regional agency for environment protection) made noise measurements in coincidence with tests of WTCC and a couple more categories that are going to race this Sunday (all of them using silencers). Measurement was made directly on the cars, near the circuit, outside the park and in one of the houses. The results are expected in couple of weeks but it’s interesting to notice that before this analysis the families attitude was lot more “firm” while now things look different... certainly it could be down to Faglia ability in negotiation, still I can’t help but wondering if maybe they aren’t very confident about the results, until now the protest was mainly based on subjective and vague feelings (“I get an headache every time I go on the backyard”). Autodromo on the other hand should have little to fear from this analysis, as I already said they monitor the situation in several places every single day just like law requires.

Latest news, from Monday, is probably the most encouraging one. The Lombardy regional government, responsible on matter of citizens health, following the proposal of one of the groups of majority, is planning to introduce an urgent decree that should solve the situation definitively. As I already said the main reason for the sentence that stopped non silenced activity is that, according to the judge interpretation, the article emanated by President of Republic about concessions in term of noise level to race tracks isn’t valid in disputes between private citizens. Well, with that regional decree the article would be extended also to that case, de facto closing what I think we can call a loophole since the original article was likely already meant that way.
According to people proposing the decree the whole procedure for approval could be concluded in about 10 days, but you know politicians... I wouldn’t be as optimist, we are also going to have elections in the next few weeks, national elections first and for Milano administration then. Even if these shouldn’t influence directly the regional government it’s difficult to exclude an even indirect slowing down for the procedure.

Anyway, although I certainly can’t say I’m completely confident that situation is solved, still things are now looking definitively lot better than it was just one week ago.

BTW the petition on line, that is now probably over 10000 signatures, received good coverage on local and national press, and I wouldn’t exclude that it also had a part in making regional and local administrations to take a more definite position. A big thank you to everybody who signed it, thanks for your support !!

Joined: 07 Jan 2004, 00:42
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I dunno if those petitions will work, let alone reach the proper authorities. Remember that site to give money to Minardi? How about the site to keep the Minardi name?
Bring back wider rear wings, V10s, and tobacco advertisements