I agree, why don't bring back the old Hockenheim.dumrick wrote:Great news! Spa is a must for F1, specially after loosing so many other great tracks.
I agree, why don't bring back the old Hockenheim.dumrick wrote:Great news! Spa is a must for F1, specially after loosing so many other great tracks.
You're completely right Jason, it would be much better, BUT they simply cannot do it, the old part of the track has been completely ripped up...its now just forest.I agree, why don't bring back the old Hockenheim
You can find the full text here:Yes, but how can he get more?" she said.
"The next plan is to try and make each Grand Prix more of an event," said The Mole. "When a race comes to a city each and every year, the locals tend not to make much of a fuss. Bernie recently watched the fireworks at the end of the Commonwealth Games and concluded that every city should treat F1 in the same way. F1 should be more of a party."
"And how do you do that?" Penelope asked.
"Well," said The Mole. "You find 60 venues around the world that want a big event. It's actually not that hard to do. Then you ask them each for $50m for a big event once every three years. They do their number-crunching and realise that compared to other big events that is a pretty cheap deal and they sign up. Do the sums. Sixty venues multiplied by $50m. That is $3bn over three years."
"Yes," said Penelope.
"Compare that to 18 countries paying $15m a year, multiplied by three."
Penelope was doing the numbers in her head.
"That's $270m a year multiplied by three. Equals."