So I replied:I joined, (BWM racing team)
To which I recieved this:Jason, I dont understand, what do you want your team to be?
You need to pick 3 drivers, one constructor & one engine manufactuer from the list I posted on the forum, then once you have picked this PM me with your choices and I will enter your team into my database.
So once again I replied to him:Hello...I already chose all that![]()
So once again I recieved a PM from him, this time it started with a quote of my previous PM to him followed by:Well in that case Jason, tell me what they are so I can enter your team into the database!!! Otherwise how can I allocate your team points?!
So, AGAIN, I PM him saying:Tesm Acer, just do it
PLEASE, SOMEBODY TELL I being a bit stupid here? Have I missed something? Has he posted something on this forum which I was meant to see (a team line-up perhaps?) and I've just missed it. Im soooo confused. HELP! I dont want to leave him out of the game, its not fair but the deadline for these team entries is 00:00GMT Friday. That is only 7hours away. HELP!Jason I dont think you understand what you have to do.
On the forum for the F1Technical fantasy game I have posted a set of Rules & a "Price List". You must read these and then from that list choose:
3 Drivers
1 Constructor
1 Engine Supplier
1 Team name
The ONLY condition is that your team's drivers, engine & chassis must cost less than £50,000,000. (Just look at the price list to choose.) Once you have done this PM me with your team. Below is an example of what everybody else has done:
"Hi Spencifer_Murphy,
Here is the Team I would like:
Takuma Sato £9,000,000
Scott Speed £10,000,000
Y. Ide £8,000,000
Super Aguri £3,000,000
Cosworth V10 £3,000,000
Total: £33,000,000
That is what I was expecting to recieve from everybody. I hope you understand what I intended now. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks guys.