bot6 wrote:Pedro -> I think you're confusing things a little bit here.
When talking about surface curvature, think about a salad bowl. If you look inside a salad bowl, that's a concave surface (bends inwards). It has no inflection point, it's just concave everywhere.
Now turn the bowl upside down. In front of you, you now have a convex surface. it "bumps outwards". But it's convex everywhere, still no inflection point. And the bowl itself has not changed, you're just looking at it differently.
Now look at the rear wing flap in exactly the same way. The surface is convex on the bottom of the wing and concave on the top of the wing. And the surface that is measured by the stewards is that top part.
I see, thank you bot6. That concavity expression was confusing me.
I had also talk with a member of a Sauber team about that couple minutes ago - the problem is really the flap.