Will Michael Schumacher kill himself?

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Will Michael Schumacher hurt himself?

Poll ended at 11 Apr 2006, 12:00

I hope not
Total votes: 27

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manchild wrote:Sorry Reca but regardless on all other controversy Michael Schumacher is the only driver in history of F1 who was disqualified from championship because of deliberate attempt to endanger life of another driver (in traffic that is called attempt of murder)
:roll: Gimme a break Manchild, attempted murder?! My grandma could have got out of that accident and still been calm enough to put the kettle on!

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Those are blocking maneuvers, not "attempted murder." Senna's run in to Prost (when the latter was driving a Ferrari) at Suzuka is then attempted murder.
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What happened between Senna and Prost was mild racing accident on narrow chichane.

Even though 1994 already happened, Schuey decided to repeat his recipe, waited for JV, let him pass and than smacked him not to mention that he kept turning in JV's side even after the impact (hoping to get job done).

Anyway, back to topic - would you be happier if I'd said that I'd like to see him slamming wall at 300km/h? :roll:

I really don’t like to see him acquiring immunity of victim at the end of his career because he was never one and that is why I hope he’ll end up his career unharmed.

In other words, I always wanted to see him beaten by other driver and beaten out of the bush when he was cheating and making dirty moves which both happened. So, I’d like him to go into history books according to impartial analysis of his career without 7 titles blocking the view.

*Deliberate hitting of another car in traffic is qualified as attempt of murder especially if someone repeats that several times infront of cameras.*

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manchild wrote:What happened between Senna and Prost was mild racing accident on narrow chichane.
What happened between Schumacher and J.V. was a mild racing accident on a slow corner, what's your point.

As for Adelaide '94, Damon rammed Schumacher off, not the other way around, we have all been over this time and time again. Schumacher was on the racing line and Hill went for the inside only half way alongside the Benetton which we all know means he shouldn't have been so over optimistic!

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Scuderia_Russ wrote:What happened between Schumacher and J.V. was a mild racing accident on a slow corner, what's your point.

As for Adelaide '94, Damon rammed Schumacher off, not the other way around, we have all been over this time and time again. Schumacher was on the racing line and Hill went for the inside only half way alongside the Benetton which we all know means he shouldn't have been so over optimistic!
I guess you're trying to say that Agnelli family, huge part of Ferrari fans, Lauda, FIA (including Max) etc. got it all wrong than?
"To see a world title vanish after waiting 18 years is sad enough. But to see it go up in smoke by that 'prank' from Michael Schumacher is...unfortunately much worse. It's shameful," La Repubblica newspaper said.

Even La Stampa newspaper, owned by the Agnelli family, which also controls Ferrari, said Schumacher was at fault. "(Schumacher's) image as a champion was shattered, like a glass hit by a stone," the paper said in a front page article.

"For Ferrari, after 18 years, it would have been a title to hide," Gazzetta dello Sport added.

"Villeneuve...son of the adored Gilles, emerges in a magnificent light as a man who knows how to fight and as a champion who knows how to win," Gazzetta said.

Jacques and Michael were called before the stewards after the event. It was decided by the stewards to say it was a "racing incident". Unfortunately for Michael, the FIA did not think this was a "racing incident" and has called Michael for a special meeting on Nov. 11 to determine if and what the penalty for that type of behaviour should be.
Last edited by manchild on 04 Apr 2006, 22:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Hey, no-one's perfect! 8)

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Grrrr :wink:

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My apologies, I thought you were talking about the Damon Hill incident but I see you mean Villeneuve now you have edited your post.

Joined: 22 Nov 2004, 02:29


manchild wrote:What happened between Senna and Prost was mild racing accident on narrow chichane.
Thats the Prost-Senna got together, then the following year it was the Senna-Prost get-together, which Senna later admits as being delibrate.......

First corner of Suzuka, nothing slow or mild about that..... :roll:

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I have to say that Senna is by no means my sporting idle, only because of that horrific, stupid and frankly dangerous manouver he pulled on Prost at Suzukas turn 1 (not the chicane)

I don't think he was in the running for WC at that point (although I could be mistaken) and he took Prost out in a bad tempered fit. I don't believe he should have started from the dirty side of the track but thats no reason to punt the other guy off just because they didn't get on well.

As for JV and MS. Mikey just showed his true colours as a dangerous menace who couldn't stand loosing.

Both great drivers, but crap sportsmen!

P.S. Jason/acer/ranger wrote
I hope Schuey go injured .
Jason. If you ever write anything like that again I will make it my personnal aim to have you kicked off this forum no matter which name you log in under!
And I think the majority of this group will aid me in doing so.

Do not write this kind of inhumane garbage!
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I'll be honest,

I dont wish for him to be hurt, not at all. Even his leg braking accident at silverstone in 1999 was no laghing matter (well it was before I knew he was injured).

Secondly, about 6years ago now my dad first said to me "Schumacher is living on borrowed time" i asked him what he meant, he said "He pushes the car over the limit too often, F1 is dangerous and it appears he sometimes forgets this in a search to push the limits further."

I totally agree with it. I doubt he will kill himself because of the safetly standars in F1 nowadays, BUT, they way he drives he is seriously increasing the likelyhood of something that that happening to him. Anybody who says "He wont because he is too good...its schumi and this is modern F1, its safe" is being extemely narrow minded an naive. We all said the same about Senna, "Its Senna, he's too good and this is the 90's, F1 cars are much safer than they were in the old days"...yeah right, what a load of crap... if Senna's tragic death shows us anything its should bring to light the fact that as Human's we are both fragile and we are most definatly NOT infallable.

and at 200MPH, you cant afford to push too hard if your not infallable. I wish, i hope and I pray that Ayrton Senna is the last person to die in an F1 car... but I fear that my sence of logic and rational tells me otherwise. 200MPH for 2hours around a race circuit in a fight for the win WAS, IS and WILL always be dangerous.
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I agree to all those points Spencifer_Murphy.

After seeing Paul Danna die in Indy the other week and Jorg Barmstruck in WRC, it serves as a reminder. None of us are imortal. Cars crash, people die. Heck, a couple of month ago a Mr Dawson died in a Mini Cooper race at Silverstone I believe.

F1 cars are hellishly strong, but so are armco!
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Sorry I 4got to mention:

I agree and disagree with manchild:

Schumi's accident with both Hill & JV was very dangerous (attempted murder, call it whatever u like it makes no difference). Russ ure right, it was a nothing accident...but the chances are it may have been a lot more serious if Schumi got it slightly wrong. You wouldn't be saying the same thing if somebody hit you on the motorway. "Dont worry it was a nothing accident".

I disagree with manchild about the Senna & Prost incidents. What Senna did to Prost may not have been a bad accident, but it was still a diliberate attempt to force another driver off the road by means of a collision, which at the speeds cars reach in F1 IS VERY dangerous, childish, and down-right stupid. What Senna did to Prost is just as bad as what MS did to DH & JV as far as I'm concered. I love Senna, i'm a HUGE fan, but for me he really tainted himself with that one.

Bad accident or not, diliberately crashing in F1 should NEVER be tolerated.

I think some of us are being a little biased about the MS vs. Senna debate here. They did the same thing...its wrong. Okay there were differences, but the fundamental fact remains, it was a deliberate crash. If you wanted to be REALLY controversial you could argue that racing as hard aas that is what eventually took Senna's life.

Lets face it, he was just as serious about winning as Schumi, pushed hard all the time. At imola in 94 he was trailing to MS due to an fast but Fragle car, he was frustrated, things were beginning to look up at Imola, he should make the most of this, not let this win slip away...maybe, just maybe he pushed a little too hard.

I'd like to piont out now that the above about Senna is NOT my personal view, just a view that one COULD take...we have to look at a story from all angles to form an unbaised conclusion. My conclusion is that both MS & Senna push super hard, sometimes too hard...and maybe, just maybe, it could become their undoing.
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i dont wish any harm on anybody, i like to see crashs they look cool, but i like to see the driver get out of it more.

In term of Schumacher, He wants to win, and if winning involve hitting somebody so you win, then thats what he will do, I dont agree with it, but i can see why he did it. However i would not want him to die or do real damage to himself, he has been there since i was a kid and i have respect for his skill. I just personly dont like ferrari's attitude over the last few years and i feel its kinda tainted schumacher racing skills. Remember the early days when he first moved how crap the ferrari was? he was the reason that car got results.
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Jason wrote:I hope Schuey go injured because a like to see youngsters win instead of him.
Well Jason...I think it is really stupid of you to say such a thing! You're really harsh and mean wishing for a person to get hurt or killed! Nobody wants Schumi to get himself killed or injuried even if they hate him and his way of driving an f1 car!

We've had too many accidents, deadly onces as well, to now say that we want to see an f1 driver get hurt just because he's 7 times WC!

The youngsters, like Alonso, Raikkonen, .. don't want schumi to get injured as well, because it makes them look better and they feel good if they can beat a person that has won the World Championship 7 times!

ps: don't go editing your post like you did before when I quoted you just to make it seem like I read it wrong!