vyselegend wrote:Ralph's 3rd place is mainly the result of overtaking Heidfeld under yellow flag without beeing punished, (don't ask me why

) ...
I don't agree. Ralf passed Heidfeld about 5 sec after I saw SC icon appear on my TV. Unless they delayed displaying that icon on purpose, I can't see how in the world would that have been enough for Toyota to radio Ralf and tell him not to pass. Same goes for BMW. I don't think that Heidfeld got the message in that short period of time.
Furthermore, Sato wouldn't move out of the way, and he had seriously slowed Ralf who was charging ahead. I believe that Sato was warned about it. So I think that Ralf would've had him either way.
And last, Montoya passed Heifeld well into the SC period and nobody had mentioned anything about it.
So Mike got suspended and not fired. OK, I guess that makes more sense...I mean, you can't give him a detention. What a joke...
Especially the reason. I know of an engineer who is working with Toyota (not F1), who seriously lacks "people skills". Not just that, he has a very wierd way of doing things. Some people would be completely lost every time when he would sumbit a proposal. But towards the end of a project, as things were beginning to fall into place, everybody would look at each other and say "Oh yeah! That makes so much sense. Now I understand why he did....(whatever)". That same man is actually holding a very privileged engineering position within Toyota.
Yeah, I know about the team-work, etc., but if they decided to give Gascoyne so much money, you might as well unleash him and let him do what he does best. And when things don't work out, fire him, but not at the beginning of the season. He is not a hockey or football coach who can, easily, be replaced with another.
I've decided to stick with Lexus. I've been driving Toyota-made vehicles since I started driving, and I'm certain that I won't be switching to another brand. However, I'm trying to decide whether I should bite the bullet and buy the 350 or do the sensible thing, and buy a car more suited to the Canadian winters - IS250 AWD.