What would you add to F1technical?

Everything about this website and its content. Here you will find update announcements or requests for feedback. Questions about layout, functionality, content, and your suggestions are welcome.
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


So that they can weed out the idiots without much effort ;)
Alejandro L.

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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


It depends on how you use it.

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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


Formula None wrote:Just curious, why is font size/color/boldness alterable if the mods prefer it not to be done?

Seriously why is this an option?


Good for secret messages I suppose.
Because we assume you have some sense of self control and decorum and that you will act like an adult. I know that if I walk into a coffee shop and start yelling everyone will look at me and hear me, but it will ensure I am an ass, so I don't do it.

Try to act on the Internet somewhat how you act in life, and things go well.

Also, I've never moderated anyone for using the text options unless it was say "hidden" white on white text with some off color remarks in it, and that has only happened once. I use the colored text as well.

Otherwise, how would we write THE BOSS?
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


When you search a users past posts, when the top of their post was quoting someone else, the 'preview' text in the list of posts does not differentiate what is being quoted as it is in the threads (in a gray box, etc.). Makes perusing user's past posts a tad confusing.
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


I propose a new section "F1 car ownership". Starting a thread would require photographic proof of ownership, ie hold a piece of paper with your F1tech username alongside the car in your garage.

Anyone could contribute as they do now.

It would be a suitable home for the R107 and C16 owners to recognise the valuable contribution they give to our technical understanding of these awesome machines. those threads are lost in the general section.

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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


Maybe a 2 threads subforum is too much, but a forum specific for great contributions, which must be read, more important thant stickies.

You could post those two and a couple other really good informative, must read threads
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dave kumar
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


Would people support a permanent place where members can post links to other good resources on the net?

Sites like Craig Scarboroughs, James Allen etc, that give good in depth technical info and that can be accessed for free. Also particular articles and videos of technical interest. It could be a sticky thread that people can add to. Sometimes it is interesting to trawl through past articles of interest and it would be good if they were kept in one place.

At the moment if you aren't on the site every day (well I know I should be but that is a different matter), then you can miss a new thread that doesn't generate a lot of comments because it is just there to alert other members to something of interest.

(this should be a sticky thread as well...)
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


I'd add longer thread titles. I bump on the character limit often, and guessing what some threads are actually about is black art.
In most cases, the majority is below the average.

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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


Hollus, length doesn't matter, it's more about being specific and clear. IMO.

Limit on posts per day. 5-10 max.
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


From mod's POV 0 posts a day is the ideal solution :)

Sorry, but I don't think limiting posting ability is a positive move.
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


I concede thius point first, there is lack of testing now in F1, however there are still 5 tests a year, and in future years there could be more tests if there is more headway made next year for there to be 3 mid season tests for the teams to attend.

However, ill get to my point now, we have a section for races and cars, but what about a section for F1 group tests???

What about a drivers section to keep the fanbois happy???

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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


Small update: the FAQ was refreshed a bit and some easy questions removed.

The faq will be extended along the way with information about the voting system that is coming up.

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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


mx_tifosi wrote:And along those lines, how about an embedded link within the quote? Kind of like this:
http://www.m3forum.net/m3forum/showpost ... tcount=161

I was also going to suggest having the date/time in the quote, but the embedded link takes care of that.
buuummppp :D
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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


mx_tifosi wrote:And along those lines, how about an embedded link within the quote? Kind of like this:
http://www.m3forum.net/m3forum/showpost ... tcount=161
For example:

(quote="posting.php?mode=quote&f=7&p=287346")just testing a quoted url(/quote)

Replacing () with [] Gives:

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Re: What would you add to F1technical?


While Google+ on growth curve, what about F1technical news feed there?
Like twin sister to the Facebook site.