flynfrog wrote:... Currently there are 6+ threads with the same fanyboy crap in them to be honest no one gives a --- whether Hamilton is at fault or not...
flyn, puhleeze.
I see the opposite problem. A lot of people "gives a" whether Hamilton is at fault of not.
too many people "gives a".
I'd say a
majority of people "gives a".
Now, you say you don't want to "give a". This means you are more or less alone in your position.
The usual, I'd say.
Anyone would say that if they (we?) weren't "giving a"
so much we wouldn't be drowned in "it".
I confess I also "give a", and more than once.
It is understandable you not wanting to be "given" so much.
I see you failing miserably when trying to keep Fannyshness (good name, btw, blink, blink) at bay.
On the other hand, I'm glad I don't have to cope with a driver crashing like 37 times in a row as forum moderators have to do.
If you expect people to keep themselves quiet and moderated while a driver crashes like 37 times in a row (weren't 37? Really?) you are expecting too much of your fellow humans.
Besides, I think we have to ponder history. What we write now will be used as reference by future Formula One historians. What you write today will reverberate in eternity, like that guy at "Gladiator" with the cool armor.
When they research about the most times a driver crashed in a row in history, they could be looking at your posts. You don't want them to think you didn't watch the race, do you? If Hamilton keeps the rate he has right now, of 37 crashes per race (is it less? more?) the threads of this year's races will be searched by those historians, rest assured.
Besides, in search of organization, if we try to
group the discussions about "who's fault" it was, let's say by type of crash, by model of car, or by race, or even by continent, I'm sure we will end with much more than six threads. We're talking of an average of 37 or so crashes, that's a lot, even for my standards.
It's sad but I
think the only place on Earth Hamilton hasn't crashed this year is Antarctica, South America and Outer Hebrides. Of course, there are no F1 races in such remote places of Earth. That explain the number of threads we have now: one for Africa, one for Asia, etc.
Finally, I defend the rights of all fanboys of the world to post everywhere. As the First Ammendment says (and I quote): "prisoners will be allowed to talk before they are hanged, not after".
Fanboys of the world, unite!
... 37 times per race.