Can Alonso do Schumi?

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Can Alonso do Schumi?

Too early to judge
Total votes: 22

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Alonso will do things by the book with respect of rivals, technical and sporting regulations so he'll never "achieve" what Schuey has.
:D :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

your cracking jokes right. He sold his soul 2 days after winning the world championship....dats the only reason he wont make or break shoemaker. He is following in jacques footsteps.....F1 is business....surely you dont think Ron brought alonso cause he's fast and will win them a u?

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


I think Ron took him for his consistency hoping that Mclaren will have less reliabilty problems than with Kimi behind the wheel. No driver can win team a title without a good car (although drivers like Fisi can loose team a title even in dominant car).

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I am sorry but Alonso is moving to Mclaren???you know the team that have won a fair few races in there time, it hardly the same thing as JV. Let me just case you back to when schumy moved from benneton to Ferrari all those years ago. Thats Very much like the Alonso move.

Alonso could take alot of records back from Schuie, he is more than capable. Will he be greater than Schuie?.. who know... who care... thats years from now.
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Mikey, Shu is a great driver, that is a fact will not hide from. But in the 80's and early 90's Ferrari was a well funded team that was totally screwed up from within. They had very good people in all departments, but each individual was working on their private agenda, and the total was a lot less than the sum of the parts. So the people at the very top finally got the message, and decideded to totally reorganize Ferrari, from the top down. The first step was to give Montezmolo control in 1991, and he totally gutted the management structure and rebuilt from within. He brought in Todt in 1993. Then he made his greatest move, signing Michael Schumacher in 1996, with Shu publicly promising that he would bring glory back to Ferrari. Additionally, Shu brought Braun with him from Benetton. Shu was already recognized as a great driver, having won two titles for Benetton. But he struck a unique and tough deal with Ferrari. He would come to Ferrari, but only on a long term contract. He would be specified the number one driver, and whoever was second was there just to support Shu. The results didn't come immediately, but after two, three years they had new cars, and an organization with Shu at the tip of the spear. It was a totally different concept than other teams. Most teams build a car and find funding, then hire the best available at the moment. With Ferrari, Shu is the designated hero, and everything rotates around him.
A team was formed, with the big cheese Momtezmolo in charge and supporting his racing team run by the supertrio of Todt, Braun, and Schumacher. Shu did a lot more than just test the car and race, he had a big voice in management of the team, how it was to be run, with whom, and the goals.
Shu made huge promises, was paid a huge salary, and after a rew rocky years, he delivered.

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manchild wrote:I think Ron took him for his consistency hoping that Mclaren will have less reliabilty problems than with Kimi behind the wheel.
Eh? How and why would Kimi influence McLaren's reliability for the worse?

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Scuderia_Russ wrote:Eh? How and why would Kimi influence McLaren's reliability for the worse?
Well, I wrote that having in mind Kimi vs Montoya reliability statistics in 2005 and when it matters Alonso - Alonso vs Fisichella performance.

I think that Alonso is the gentlest to car of all fast drivers at the moment while Kimi seams more like “do or die guy”. Actually, I think that Kimi’s original style suffers from reliability problems Mclaren had in previous years so in 2005 season that accumulated frustration made him try to prove that things aren’t his fault so he frequently pushed over the limit and ended up in smoke. I admire Kimi for being able to stay cool for so long (years and years) even though he might just appear to be cool but accumulate frustration inside as I already mentioned. Perhaps that isn't true but it’s the impression I get from watching both of them especially in 2005 and 2006.

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Kimi is actually quite emotional I find, compared how Mika was. Kimi was the guy who regularly shoved marshall out of the way in the last few years.....I don't know about Alonso being the gentlest, his driving style is more aggresive(irradic even) compare to say, Button or something. Renault seems to work well with that style. He is no doubt IMO the smartest of the current young top rank driver, and he knows when to save his equipment when he needs to be. But just "driving" for the sake of it he is different for sure....

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 10:22


wrongggggg sawtooth.....mclaren only brought a brought a team......alonso is on the jv your eyes!!

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Hudsonhawk. wrote:wrongggggg sawtooth.....mclaren only brought a brought a team......alonso is on the jv your eyes!!
Am i Really? thats good i like to know when i am wrong. But last time i checked schumacher is a driver? unless i have Been very much mistaken :-s

Yeah they bought schumacher and got Ross in with the Deal. This happens alot in f1, you get a driver and you get a few members of staff who come with there driver. And if your statment is true having DC means that red bull have bought mclaren.

As for the Alonso is on the JV path, here are some Facts for you:
Races competed 599
Constructors' Championships 8 (1974, 1984, 1985, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1998)
Drivers' Championships 11 (1974, 1976, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1998, 1999)
Race victories 147
Pole positions 122
Fastest laps 124
2005 position 2nd (182 points)
you remember last year? The Mclaren was without a doubt the fastest car out there. Alonso was the best driver out there, put the 2 together and what have you got?

Jv won the WC over schumacher, He stayed at Williams who lost the renault engine and had to have there a Mecachrome engine instead. They became Crap (and had a ugly car). The next season (1999) JV moved to BAR, Whos stats at this time were:
Races competed 0
Constructors' Championships 0
Drivers' Championships 0
Race victories 0
Pole positions 0
Fastest laps 0

Now thats not the same move, thats Compleatly differant. He moved to a new team with big ideas. Alonso is moving to a Big team who can and have made there ideas reality. Where he can really kick some arse.
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i don't think it's a crap move, renault is a team with no long term future we'll stay in 2007 but we don't know in 2008 or later. And you couldn't say McLaren is a crap team, he has a huge manufacturer support and is getting a new title sponsor also they really know how to make a good racing car :)

Joined: 03 Jun 2005, 10:54


Alonso should just have waited till this summer and than make up his mind.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 10:22


renault built a car....mclaren are too busy building an image...

mclaren like the fluffy stuff......renault dont.....

statistics will not bring victories......statistics are history

its not so complex....common sense prevails....perhaps we can discuss this at the end of 2007 and see then soretooth.

Joined: 22 Mar 2006, 10:22


sorry manchild.....i cant resist.... :lol:
Alonso should just have waited till this summer and than make up his mind
are you saying he profitered on his title

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Hudsonhawk. wrote:renault built a car....mclaren are too busy building an image...

mclaren like the fluffy stuff......renault dont.....

statistics will not bring victories......statistics are history

its not so complex....common sense prevails....perhaps we can discuss this at the end of 2007 and see then soretooth.
Fluffy stuff??? Renault are in F1 to sell cars, Mclaren have been in f1 for years to Win Races. Its as Simple as that

As for the end of 2007, maybe, i will be wrong, but in the long run, i would put money on Mclaren Winning WC again.
I believe in the chain of command, Its the chain I use to beat you till you do what i want!!!

Joined: 19 Nov 2004, 13:47


mclaren has always been fighting for the championship and i dont think alonso made a mistake.
btw. does anyone know how much he is making in renault and how much he will be making in mclaren.
i guess he will be making more money in mclaren.. maybe the move was a personal choice. he wanted to secure more money!