Well, I insist. Vyselegend:vyselegend wrote:Don't want to ask too much, but do you have a pic or a drawing of the track wich shows the short layout, cause there are severals transversals junctions and I'd like to know on wich layout they make lap times under 1'00"000 mn there.>
1. click here http://www.geocities.com/ciroalbertopab ... os_eng.htm and download the file I gave for 1950-2005 circuits. It is at the bottom of the page.
2. look for Paul Ricard in the list.
3. click the link you will find under Paul Ricard, named "Layout". This is a web page with all the possible known layouts of the circuit (RacingCircuits.com).
You will find the 44 different layouts Paul Ricard has used or use, from layout 1A to layout 22B.
You can open the layout web page inside Google Earth window if you press Ctrl+8. If this does not work, un-click "Show web results in external browser" under "Tools/Options/Preferences" on Google Earth's menu.
This way, if you double-click on Paul Ricard's name in the circuit's list, the camera will show you the circuit in such a way that it coincides with the layout's web page you are seeing, for your convenience.
FINALLY, please, if you learn something new about Paul Ricard, let this new learning go around the world: correct or supplement the Wikipedia article on the circuit.
BTW, good luck! I think this is the circuit with more possible layouts on the planet Earth.