Amen brother!ringo wrote: Kubica got a guard railed shoved up his butt!! Raw iron to iron contact.
If Kubica comes back in 2012 he would be super man indeed!!!

Dude bro, he laid in a bed for months! Any amount of conditioning he had was lost due to atrophy as he was so jacked he could not significantly exercise any part of his body. Yes he's been super-fit and knows the threshold. But the dude has to be well enough to even find a part of his body that will allow him to do aerobic exercise (which by the way is the least of his concerns) The freakin’ guy could barely walk when he got out of the hospital. He is really up against it.rsist wrote:What we can be sure of is that he is getting the best medical care possible,due to this and his fittnes level he is healing few times faster than a normal person would
I wish him the best!