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I wonder if Jean Alesi will buy the team?
you sure?m3_lover wrote:If you look at the second practice times, Midland has improved as a team as a whole.
10. SUTIL Midland 1m34.179s
11. ROSBERG Williams 1m34.215s
12. ALBERS Midland 1m34.472s
That's not a rumour, really, they have already said it out loud. But MF1 commented they were not for sale. It's a bit ackward in every GP having news about changes in the team and interests in selling that are never actually confirmed (and often officially denied). I know MF1 doesn't really have a large sympathy credit among fans and press, but I think they deserve a break...johny wrote:In spanish press there's a rumour about racing engeneering buiying it