) Stick to the real ones, they are all the same so parts are easy. Porsche have had the same looks for the past 5 years and no one has anything interesting anymore. Avoid Rovers!¬Ha the Veyron is faster than one of your stupid F1 cars anyday!
You may be surprised, but that's the opinion of the majority of french people, german cars are applauded for their strong style of course, but the argument I hear most often is "qualité perçue" --> perceived quality, hence the very hard effort french manufacturers make those recent years to upgrade the finition work. Just look how Peugeot are progressively changing from an italian line (206, 406 etc) to a sturdy one, I would say a german one (307, 407...). The back of the 407 is obviously inspired by Audi (which seem to be their model), and the inside of the car is going that way too (still a long way to go here).pyry wrote:german cars rock, french cars suck. speaking in everyday driving terms.
I got one betterTp wrote:Well, if you have the slightest bit of knowledge about road cars you would know that now Ferrari's are reaching a state of perfection, I could give you a link to a motoring review about one if you don't believe me. Now why would they make the cars so good if they're exploiting the Ferrari image?Manchild wrote:Nowdays it is nothing but a logo and heritage exploited by small group of people who don't share a bit of Enzo's passion and use his heritage, success and glory as a sticker on their products saying "Buy this - it is Ferrari".
Bugger it, i'll give you the link
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s64zn1WR ... %20Ferrari
vyselegend wrote:All that to say french cars doesn't produce high heart beats like german's, but seem to conform better to modern people worries, which are budget, reliability, and security.
What you wrote only supports what I wrote - Renault is the most imported brand in Germany and since Germans as you said make such quality cars than for sure they know why of all maufacturers in the world they've picked Renault.pyry wrote:lets cut to the chase, here i present car sales in germany: the first five all being german, 65%, with renault in sixth with 6.6%.
edit: sorry about the multiple post, i was too eager