We'll see how Perez fares next year vs Koba.
Kobayashi was the first driver on the grid to give up qualifying position in order to make full use of the extra set of Pirelli's.
So you are basing your speed theory on this....not exactly scientific.
And its also a prevalent fact that Kobayashi also scored over 66% of his teams total points(30 vs 14). Another pay driver will have probably cost the team postion in the championship and therefore cash dividends, eschewing your argument that Koba brings no money to the table...He does...with his performances during the race that you probably missed while praying to Hamilton.

So underestimate Kobayashi if you like, but he did a great job of knicking into the top ten when at times he had no right to. You change to suit the car you are driving and Koba did just that. In a Red Bull who knows what he could do, as that is speculative. What is sure is that it would be bloody good to watch!