Red Bull RB7 Renault

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


The picture of the underside of the floor was rather conclusive too!

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


allstaruk08 wrote:Image

hope this helps clear it up =D i was baffled for ages but after drawing the lines it made sense haha
mind blowing! :P

I see it now. It's the dark blue that was scrambling my brain.
For Sure!!

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


Great illusion. That design could have some promise though.

Racing Green in 2028

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


ringo wrote:
I see it now. It's the dark blue that was scrambling my brain.
Should have gone to Specsavers! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault



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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


Its now 2012 and I'm waiting on this promise ....
ringo wrote:At end of year, i'll reveal why redbull is quickest.

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


I'll get a humble pie ready just in case :lol:

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


The aerodynamic features of the RB7 that resulted in its dominamce are; What i deduce at least:
The fundamental chassis design.
The splitter channels.
Front wing design.
The holes that are situated along the gearbox.
among other things.

The chassis design covers many features. Few of which are obvious based on simple dimmensions such as the lenght of the gearbox, ie distance from wheel centers to engine and also how much of the safety cell hangs over the front wheel center line.

keep in mind the regulations are defined on wheel center lines. This defines the car so careful attention needs to be placed in locating certain parts relative to the wheels, as this has an effect on air flow efficiency.

Hanging say 100m of tub over front wheel center line for example versus hanging only 50mm, would mean the tub that is further back from the wheels would have less disturbed air in the splitter area.
The black line is the front wheel center line. Tubs are located at different distances. Note splitter lengths.

Also if the tub is slim enough the car can have a huge splitter area. Splitter area is not defined by the regulations. If the seat area of the tub is small enough, it would make way for increased splitter area.

The redbull has a noticeably large top splitter area, as the tub is placed as far back as they could afford from front wheels. This is more like optimizing placement more than anything, but it adds to to the total.
The tea tray top surface area is only limited by the distance from front wheel center. Less tub over front wheel center line the bigger a splitter can fit.

The is a balance however, the nose shape is define by the distance to center wheel too, as the nose has to fitted to the end of the tub. It length and effectively it's shape is affected.

more thoughts to come.
For Sure!!

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


A good start. I look forward to more. :)

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


splitter area cross section is also optimised for smooth flow and low drag.
We can contrast this to mclaren along with lotus.
Poor splitter floor flank designs. Maybe they had no choice with the positioning they used. I found this area dificult to get right on my 3d model. The car has to be well proportioned to pull this off.

the redbull floor has this shape. This is not obvious to the naked eye. It was until the above pic that it was revealed. However people don't realize the importance of that area of the floor having such a shape. This is drastic drag reduction, and it also keeps air flow around the side pods clean and fast.
Notice that this shape forms a channel for the air flow with the inside of the turning vane. Thus every inch of the turning vane is doing something. Its not just deflecting air to the side, it is channeling air on the inside as well.


here are the comparos. Look how staggered this is, not smooth like the rb7
look at this. Look how there is basically a wall. The air will crash here,then find its way around. it wont run past with less direction changes like the redbull.
here it is again.
These little details are more interesting that f ducts and flexi wings. The inherent speed of the chassis lies with these little things. They cant be explained with gimmicks like flexi splitters and wings.

more to come, but you can all look on the same area on the other 2011 cars.
For Sure!!

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


Good stuff. How does the Ferrari compare in this area?

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault



here it is. It's not a straight line like the redbulls. It has a few inflection points.
However it must be noted that this is difficult, and it has to be done at the inception stage. The driver's space is the limiting factor and also the packaging under the radiators.
Newey packages some of the electronics in the horns at the front part of the floor.
For Sure!!

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Joined: 29 Mar 2009, 10:57

Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


this is on my F1 model.
This is basically what the rb7 looks like if you cut take a crosssection
both driver seat area and sidepod packaging are critical for this.
more than likely this design will only work with a long car.

I have more to show, but i kinda liked keeping these to myself and chuckling everytime i see the other cars, in their attempts to copy little gimmicks to find time on a lap. When it's all in the basic chassis.

The more i post the more secretive things are gonna get. Its too late for teams to copy these traits for 2012 anyway. Maybe a few of them on the interchangeable sections like the sidepods.
For Sure!!

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault


What does the 4-26 have? Im very curious, given its sidepodcarrangement. The STR too.

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Re: Red Bull RB7 Renault



Looks pretty square to me. The TR comes around the splitter and goes straight through I think.