Grey indeed. Some composite covers would be hard for me to argue, especially as my wheels are off-the-shelf components.
Thanks for sharing your data. My apex speed is very similar and, as you say, is likely down to me taking a tighter line. The GPS-derived lateral G and the readings from the accelerometers look in the same ball-park, so I believe they are reasonably accurate. Certainly enough to be sure I'm not down at <1G. What logger are you using to derive that figure? Is it from GPS or accelerometers? Being a two-lap event, I assume that's the Great Western Sprint which was dry all day, from memory. I suspect part of my difference in line is down to the fact that I was doing 116mph over Avon Rise and this was the first time I'd not braked for the rise, so perhaps I took a tighter line. That said, all my speed data is from GPS. Using RPM and knowing my ratios, I was doing 53mph and that was before the lateral G peaked (only 1G at this point), suggesting that I slowed down too much and accelerated into the bend, at which point I was doing 56mph. This is a common trait for me - I did mention my braking needs work!
Anyway, rather than posting a graph, you might find the raw data more useful, so
here it is. GPS data is about 1.4 seconds behind sensor data (RPM & G).