Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


JohnsonsEvilTwin wrote:The gist is that the car failed its test because Ferrari is experimenting with a super light chassis/monocoque.
Sounds about right. Ferrari are very good at ultralight carbon. I remember 2009 when Ferrari introduced and ultra light monocoque by early midseason (monaco?), one driver got it first (I think it was Kimi) and his car was definitely a bit faster than the Massa's.

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


n smikle wrote:
JohnsonsEvilTwin wrote:The gist is that the car failed its test because Ferrari is experimenting with a super light chassis/monocoque.
Sounds about right. Ferrari are very good at ultralight carbon. I remember 2009 when Ferrari introduced and ultra light monocoque by early midseason (monaco?), one driver got it first (I think it was Kimi) and his car was definitely a bit faster than the Massa's.
Unless it was too heavy in the first place...
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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


n smikle wrote:
JohnsonsEvilTwin wrote:The gist is that the car failed its test because Ferrari is experimenting with a super light chassis/monocoque.
Sounds about right. Ferrari are very good at ultralight carbon. I remember 2009 when Ferrari introduced and ultra light monocoque by early midseason (monaco?), one driver got it first (I think it was Kimi) and his car was definitely a bit faster than the Massa's.
That was for Barcelona. The reason they stated was that Kimi was heavier; and so they gave him a lighter chassis to allow him better options for setting up in terms of moving ballast for weight distribution.

A lot of people rubbished it as just a confidence upgrade though - as in there was really nothing changed; just that it was announced so that Kimi would feel more confident. is sometimes unreliable; but: ... _test.html
'Ugly' Ferrari fails FIA test

Ferrari's efforts to supplant Red Bull at the top of the F1 tree may have suffered a temporary setback amid reports that its 2012 car failed the mandatory FIA crash test.

Several sources, led by Finland's Turun Sanomat and Eurosport, claimed that the car - currently carrying the factory number 663 - was submitted for testing several weeks ago, but had to reworked with additional structural reinforcement, before it could be returned for a second attempt in the coming week. Under revised 2012 regulations, all cars have to have passed the stringent assessment before being allowed to take part in pre-season testing, something that both Caterham and Force India have managed to do.

Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali has already warned Ferrari fans not to expect an attractive car this season, as the Scuderia attempts to produce a machine capable of closing the gap to Red Bull and McLaren.

“It's definitely different, because it represents a clear break with the past in terms of the design philosophy," he commented at this week's Wroom media event in Italy, "It's not that pretty, because the shape defined by the technical regulations does not leave much scope, but, and this is what counts really, our hopes are that it is at the very least quick!”

“I asked our engineers, as far back as last summer to look into every little nook and cranny of the rules to push it to the limit, but up until we see the other cars we will not know if we have taken it to the limit or are within it. To really understand the hierarchy, we will have to wait for qualifying in Melbourne.”

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


Yes that site and all others that said Ferrari failed the crash test are not reliable. Omnicorse included. Piola confirmed in Gazzetta that Ferrari passed.

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


Freaking out from failed bloody crash-tests is getting fun to watch really. It is perfctly normal to fail a few. Every team from time to time fails them. So what? It is not like they can design something and than realize at the mandatory crash test that the part they designed cannot pass the crash tests and have to redesign it. The worst that happens is they make it stronger in available ways, but nothing in a crash test failure can indicate a design flaw. Time is of no factor yet, they have weeks still to do it again if they have not done it already. So all this is just some bored journos trying to justify there salaries, combined wit some hyperactive suspense-hunter twitter freaks.

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


Schulteiss +1
This has been blown way out of proportion, because of people who have heard of Ferrari failing the ct and then some other people reporting the same thing over and over on different tweet channels and similar media for the past week. As it was said before, it's better (and normal) to fail the ct and add what is needed, than to end up with an overweight monocoque. They had three weeks to sort it out, which I think shows, that it failed by quite a small margin, so no big fuss.
Oh and Maggot should be a candidate for a post of the year :)
FIA chassis Tunnel stop Pass Ferrari result.

More need blanket of carbon for yes FIA test....

:wink: =D>

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


La Ferrari, come ampiamente diffuso dai vari siti ha fallito sia il primo che il secondo tentativo di crash test laterale ma p riuscita finalmente a passarlo pochi giorni fa come annunciato sulla Gazzetta dello Sport di oggi. Quest’anno,il crash test, a differenza delle altre stagioni i crash test sono ancora più importanti perché senza averli superati non si possono effettuare test con le monoposto. Questo fallimento sta a significare che nella zona della pance la Ferrari sarà molto estrema ed è per questo che fatica a passare i severi test imposti dalla FIA.

Sondando tra gli addetti ai lavori sono riuscito ad avere alcune importanti notizie di come sarà il progetto 663 della Ferrari che disputerà la stagione 2012. Molto probabilmente la nuova monoposto si chiamerà F2012 ed avrà queste caratteristiche:

sospensioni pull rod al retrotreno. Questo tipo di sospensione permetterà un miglior sfruttamento degli pneumatici Pirelli e permetterà ai tecnici guidati da Pat Fry di disegnare un retrotreno molto snello che permetterà di lavorare nei migliori dei modi il diffusore e l’alettone posteriore.
sistema di raffreddamento del motore e delle componenti interne super innovativo che permetterà ai tecnici di disegnare una monoposto con pance molto strette
una camera nel sistema di carico che immagazzina aria calda che potrà essere rilasciata tramite gli scarichi durante la frenata in direzione dell’alettone posteriore. Tale soluzione permetterà di avere un maggior carico aerodinamico in una fase delicata come la frenata
posizione del pilota sarà abbassata
passo allungato rispetto alla poco fortunata 150°Italia
serbatoio benzina più piccolo in quanto i consumi saranno minori rispetto allo scorso anno visto l’abolizione degli scarichi soffiati in rilascio di acceleratore
diversa collocazione delle batterie del KERS per cercare un miglior bilanciamento della vettura. Lo scorso anno le batterie erano incastonate in un apposito spazio sotto il serbatoio della benzina. Magari quest’anno verranno collocate sopra o sotto la scatola del cambio come fatto dalla Red Bull lo scorso anno.
il telaio sarà costruito con una particolare lavorazione dei materiali compositi per cercare di renderlo il più leggero possibile
regolatore di assetto che i tecnici di Maranello stanno studiando da dicembre verrà installato e collaudato in vettura negli ultimi test di Barcellona
fondo – diffusore innovativo che farà affluire aria calda sul fondo vettura. Che sia un polmone supplementare che rilascia aria calda nel fondo vettura in rilascio di acceleratore per massimizzare il carico aerodinamico in una fase critica come la staccata? Voci confermano che in quest’area è presente un buco regolamentare che Ferrari, McLaren e Red Bull stanno cercando di sfruttare per recuperare il carico perso con l’abolizione degli scarichi soffiati. Tale fondo – diffusore verrà nuovamente modificato al Gp di Spagna in quanto Rory Byrne e il suo staff hanno progettato e collaudato al CFD un fondo veramente innovativo che permetterà un incremeneto di 8 punti di carico aerodinamico. Tale fondo è andato in produzione in questi giorni ed ha una costruzione molto particolare che comporterà un periodo di realizzazione molto più lungo rispetto ad un normale fondo. Dopo la sua realizzazione verrà testato in galleria del vento e successivamente montato in vettura.

Ferrari, as widely reported in the various sites has failed both the first and the second attempt but the side crash test p finally succeeded in passing a few days ago as the BBC announced today. This year, the crash test, unlike the other seasons of the crash tests are even more important because without them we can not overcome testing with the car. This failure means that in the bellies of the Ferrari will be very extreme and that is why I struggle to pass the strict tests imposed by the FIA.

Probing of the experts are able to get some important news about how the project will be the Ferrari 663, which will play the 2012 season. Most likely the new F2012 car will be called and will have these features:

pull rod suspension at the rear. This suspension will allow a better exploitation of Pirelli tires and allow experts led by Pat Fry to design a very slender rear that will work in the best possible way the speaker and the rear wing.
engine cooling system and internal components that will allow super innovative technical design a car with very tight bellies
a room in the cargo system that stores hot air that may be issued by discharges during braking towards the rear wing. This solution will have more downforce at a delicate stage such as braking
position of the pilot will be lowered
longer wheelbase than the 150 ° unlucky Italy
smaller fuel tank because the fuel consumption will be lower than last year saw the abolition of the exhaust blown release of accelerator
different location of the KERS batteries to look for a better balance of the car. Last year, the batteries were set in a space under the gas tank. Maybe this year will be placed above or below the gearbox as done by Red Bull last year.
the chassis will be built with a special processing of composite materials to try to make it as light as possible
regulator structure that Maranello's engineers are studying to be installed and tested in December will be the last car in the Barcelona test
Fund - an innovative speaker who will pour hot air on the bottom of the car. What is a lung additional releases warm air in the bottom of the car in release of the accelerator to maximize downforce at a critical stage as the cut off? Items in this area confirm that there is a hole regulatory Ferrari, McLaren and Red Bull are trying to exploit to retrieve the cargo lost with the abolition of the exhaust blown. This fund - the speaker will be changed again at the Spanish GP as Rory Byrne and his staff have designed and tested to the CFD a fund that will allow a truly innovative incremeneto 8 points of downforce. The fund went into production these days and has a very peculiar construction, which will involve a much longer implementation period than a normal background. After its implementation will be tested in the wind tunnel and then mounted in the car.

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


so they have probably done something clever with the sidepods to have problems with the side crash test..!?!?

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


csponton wrote:I SEGRETI DELLA FERRARI F2012

F***, if this is all true than Ferrari already won the championship.

loophole and trick speakers again in 2012, :lol: lol

I love the cargo system for air and the hot air lungs in the floor.

Is the loophole maybe a hole from the sidepods into the floor..?
Last edited by FrukostScones on 14 Jan 2012, 18:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


amouzouris wrote:so they have probably done something clever with the sidepods to have problems with the side crash test..!?!?
yes, they made them too thin

Joined: 09 Apr 2011, 18:21

Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


The whole speaker sounds like the Front Wing F-duct,I could be horribly wrong but ferrari were said toe investigating that too.

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


csponton wrote:I SEGRETI DELLA FERRARI F2012
a room in the cargo system that stores hot air that may be issued by discharges during braking towards the rear wing. This solution will have more downforce at a delicate stage such as braking
I don't understand how it works, can you give me more information please?
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, but about the universe I still have some doubts." Albert Einstein

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


one years ago we believed too they would do pull rod suspension. Well now it's 100%
but I'm not sure they will be very innovative.

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


Banki wrote:one years ago we believed too they would do pull rod suspension. Well now it's 100%
but I'm not sure they will be very innovative.
I'm not quite sure how you figure that they won't be very innovative? Stefano has already said publicly that the new car has solutions never before used on a Ferrari. I would call that innovative.

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Re: Ferrari F2012 (pre-launch speculation)


Crucial_Xtreme wrote:
Banki wrote:one year ago we believed too they would do pull rod suspension. Well now it's 100%
but I'm not sure they will be very innovative.
I'm not quite sure how you figure that they won't be very innovative? Stefano has already said publicly that the new car has solutions never before used on a Ferrari. I would call that innovative.
I understood so that I'm not sure we will be able to see as an innovative solution as L-shaped sidepods a year ago. But this is only my opinion
I think our impression will be similar than RB6 or RB7.
So it will be innovative but not more innovative than MP4-26 in 2011.