Fisi and British GP

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Fisi and British GP


Even though I do not like f1 racing because of that blotched exclusive with Klien and Doornbos, this was a interesting article.
If fisi drove like he did in monaco, for sure a podium
Simon: Nils? You can close in now. Nils?
John McClane: [on the guard's phone] Attention! Attention! Nils is dead! I repeat, Nils is dead, ----head. So's his pal, and those four guys from the East German All-Stars, your boys at the bank? They're gonna be a little late.
Simon: [on the phone] John... in the back of the truck you're driving, there's $13 billon dollars worth in gold bullion. I wonder would a deal be out of the question?
John McClane: [on the phone] Yeah, I got a deal for you. Come out from that rock you're hiding under, and I'll drive this truck up your ass.

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Sounds dangerous to me to certify he'll win there, in terms of management. When you do that, you're on the tight rope then. If you don't win, you look like a big mouth...
Now Fisi have more pression on his shoulder, and that have never been a good thing for him in the past to be pressured. But articles like that are maybe just journalist's interpretation of one's saying. Perhaps Flavio said that half-serious, half-joking, just to underline that he believe in Giancarlo.

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Re: Fisi and British GP


m3_lover wrote:If fisi drove like he did in monaco, for sure a podium
And if Fisi underperforms, this justifies Briatore not keeping him past this season. Basically, this is pressure by Flavio to make Fisi perform .. or else.

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Re: Fisi and British GP


DaveKillens wrote:And if Fisi underperforms, this justifies Briatore not keeping him past this season. Basically, this is pressure by Flavio to make Fisi perform .. or else.
I totaly agree. This statement by Flavio reminds me of the radio calls to Fisi during a GP (don't now which one, not to long ago). Fisi was told that he just couldn't be that much slower than Alonso. Talking about putting on some pressure.

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Melbourn, and it helped, he got progresively faster from then on, caught up Button and got barbequed on the last corner of the race :D ... rch=jenson
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Australian GP
"Giancarlo, you're still two seconds a lap slower than Fernando this cannot be possible, you have the same fuel load. I know you've got some understeer, but you cannot be two seconds slower. Come on!"

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i think its come to a time where.. briatore needs to put in more resources in fisi. He knows alonso is capable no matter wat.. and needs to take the next few races to concentrate on fisi and judge him for the future of the team. He is just trying to motivate him

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If Flavio starts judging weather Fisi is good or not for 2007 they'll loose 2006 WCC for sure.

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jaslfc wrote:i think its come to a time where.. briatore needs to put in more resources in fisi. He knows alonso is capable no matter wat.. and needs to take the next few races to concentrate on fisi and judge him for the future of the team. He is just trying to motivate him
I think you are right about his motives, unfortunately I am not sure Fisi is up to it, although I would love it if he proves me wrong :shock:

\:D/ go Fisi go \:D/
\:D/ go Fisi go \:D/
\:D/ go Fisi go \:D/

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I like Fisi, he was a great driver for underdog teams. But in a top rank team, he doesn't seem capable of the pressure of delivering 100% each and every lap. Maybe this was something masked when he was in Jordan. Maybe he's inconsistent. Jordan has a great day, woohoo, everyone is happy. Jordan has a crappy day, so what, they are underdogs....
If Fisi can assume the mantle of being the prime driver in Renault in '07, he has to prove to Flavio he can deliver at each race. Alonso can, and does.
But Flavio's comments also serve to relieve pressure from Alonso, who is doing a fantastic job, and although we don't really see it, must be under immense pressure.

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IMO fisi was one of the overrated drivers in the grid, there're more but they'll be going out like fisi, and next year being the nº1 in renault will be so bad both for he and the team

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maybe mclaren will sign hamilton.. and jpm will be placed in the renault. and if fisi is still there and is outpaced my jpm.. then fisi is out of therre!!