Then why does Mr Hembry think that with the new tyre, soft medium and hard, that 2012 cars will be quicker than their 2011 EBD runners?
You cannot analyse it fairly ray. For the ebd has been taken away(timeloss) and Pirelli have given the teams a different tyre(time gain). The compositon of the shoulders are different and the decomposition of the tyre as it wears is different(witness less marbles).
There is also alot of talk of how the tyre warms up far quicker than before and gives a more consistent run over a given number of laps.
(Sergio Perez running the hard tyre today and slamming 8 laps within 0.2 seconds).
We do not know if that set Seb ran was worn. We do not know the fuel load. We do not know the square root of didley squat
I can see what you are attempting, but I can only see it going down an eternal rabbit hole.