manchild wrote:
Fisi showed that he has no balls again. When he had clear track he was closing on Kimi and when he should have shown some bravery and overtake he got frozen. I'm sure they didn't tell him somthing like "'re 8 kph faster on straight than Kimi... c'mon!... this is revenge for Suzuka..." if they weren't sure he was much quicker than Kimi.
I don't understand what you all have against Fisi today. He was out performed by Fernando, so was Felipe by Michael and so was Juan Pablo by Kimi. First seat drivers are doing better than second ones, Ok so things are in order. If it wasn't the case, then it would be a problem. FA was allways fastest than GF, actually even in races GF won he was slower, that's not new.
Today the fact is that Fernando steadily controlled his direct opponents, MS and KR, and GF did the same with his, FM and JPM. So for me, the job is well done.
Overtaking here at Silverstone seemed very difficult for everyone. If it's enough to be a few km/h faster to overtake, then why MS didn't pass Kimi, and had to rely on pit strategy? yet he showed later he was confortably faster.
I'd like to add also (since I'm taking Fisi's defence), that he wasn't
that faster than the Macca, actually he bounced back mostly because of Kimi having traffic, and being a bit slower in first sector, at that time Raikonen did some laps in 1'23and fisi was more in the 1'22, but when he was here Kimi reacted and showed the same pace, appart for first sector. Dennis Chevrier told on TV that if they gave full power to the italian, he would only win 2 km/h, which wasn't enough, so seriously, I think overtaking was unreasonable, and could only have been possible if Kimi would have make a mistake...