vyselegend wrote:Anyone knows what happened to Webber? Did he really post such a deceiving time, or did he miss to put a clean lap?
OT- Can I have help in english? Twice time the F1 live timing wrote the Ferraris pitted for "scrubbed" tyres. In my little french/english dictionnary, to scrub means-->brosser ( to brush ). So I'm a little confused here. Does it means new tyres or to the contrary runned in (used) tyres? Thanks for your help...
"Scrubbed" tires are tires that have a few laps on them. Usually they are brand new tires run for just three or four laps. The disadvantage is they have gone through one heat cycle and will never have the potential to put in a very quick lap. The advantage is that they are a known quantity (a "good" set), and since they have experienced one heat cycle, have better longevity. The best way to use up tires quickly is to immediately run as hard as possible while brand new (stickers), and get them very hot, and push them constantly to their limit. Of course, that is the usual cycle of a GP tire. But if scrubbed tires are used, they immediately fall into consistent lap times, and degrade less.
That ring that fell of the Toyota should be banned. It could have killed someone.