johny wrote:great pic manchild, one pic is better than a thousand words. Everybody blamed Rosberg because he's the rookie but what should he have done leave the space and break to let monty agressive-insane drive style passing him?
But Jhonny, take a look at the exact same maneuver Coulthard made on Button 2 or 3 laps from the end. Did Jenson assume Coulthard did
not exist? And Button was fighting (if weakly) for the "coveted" 8th position.
Objection! MC picture is after they have touched and Montoya had rapidly corrected, your honor. I ask for it to be stricken from the record. The smoke we see is because the front left wheel of my client's vehicle has been dangerously "touched" by the rear wheel of the car of the defendant.
And about Manchild implying somehow that I can have favoritisms, you all know those rude accusations, that some people throw around irresponsibly, about Latinos being too personal, nepotistic and sentimental are ... unfortunately true.
(turning to the jury)
I don't know about you, but here in Bogotá, the land of the true racers and the beautiful "señoritas", (official motto: "2.600 m closest to the stars"), when we do some karting with insane 16 year old
boys and (maybe rarely) manage to put our car alongside, on the inner side of the straight before the apex, we think (maybe naively): I gotcha! If the young inane proto-pilot steers clearly into the path Newton dictated for you, we complain to his dad, if he happens to be around. Monty should have complained to Keke.
C'mon, Manchild, I have never "defended" any driver, not even Montoya. Or Alonso (ehem...). Of course, you all are blind (except jgredline, Tom and mep) and and I am the only one right here...
Oh, and BTW, zac510, I find that your appeals to reason are disgusting: we could try to find a middle road here... but we won't.